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Diagrams with mermaid?

Are diagrams supported? If not is there a way to get them to work? Here is an example.

3 years ago, 9 replies   Edit question


graph TD; A[Open Admin Interface] --> B[Open Code Injection] B --> C[Paste Code] C --> D[???] D --> Profit???
https://blog.ansonbiggs.com/how-to-use-mermaid/ https://unpkg.com/browse/mermaid@8.14.0/dist/ Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

it work when pasted here but not on https://wesuckattechnology.blot.im/2022/07/17/mermaid

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

i am getting close with https://wesuckattechnology.blot.im/2022/07/17/mermaid2 probably have to put in template somewhere? Thanks.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

I would install this on your template for now, I might build diagram support into Blot itself but it will take a little while.

A lot of these should work on the front-end, so you can add them to your template yourself – please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

Great product and thanks for the response. Now the big ? can you give me a hint on how to add this/these js/functions to my template? Thansk.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

You'll want to fork an editable version of your template if you haven't already. Then open the template editor by clicking 'Edit' next to the template. Navigate to the Source Code section on the template editor and then add the necessary scripts or CSS files to your template. This will typically be done in head.html and footer.html for CSS and JS respectively.

There's more information in the Template Developer Guide but feel free to ask if you have any questions about any of these steps

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

Thanks for the great product!

i have googled and tried till frustrated.

anyway you can create a example on how to add a javascript library to a site?

signed a geek, but not that big of a geek, Thanks.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

I'll break that out into a new question How to install a third-party script on a template?.

And I hope you can persevere through the frustration, I've definitely been there. If you do keep going you will pick up general purpose website-creating skills in the process that apply far beyond Blot.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer