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Favicon out of sync?

I changed my picture for my blog, but the favicon didn't get changed, is there anything else todo after uploading the new picture?

a year ago, 9 replies   bug   Edit question

Favicons could be cached for a while, depending on the browser – does the issue persist if you empty your cache, or use a new browser?

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

Test in incognito mode to determine if it is a cache issue. If it works there then it's likely a cache issue.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

I added an image, and it appears as a favicon on the blog, and on other pages, but not on the landing page. tested with incognito mod

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

This definitely all sounds like a caching issue – browsers hang on to cached favicons for a while

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

I’m having an issue like this, too.

I’ve updated my ‘hero image’ two times in the last year or so, and now I sometimes see all three versions different places – in Favorites, in the tab favicon and on the site itself.

Depending on the device (Mac, iPhone, iPad) I seem to get different views, but Safari (on iPad) certainly seems to be the most "stubborn" place.

In other iPad browsers I do see the new image/favicon, though, so something is right, somewhere.

Still, it's weird, no?

I’ve cleared the cache, restarted and everything else I could think of.

Any ideas?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Would you mind sending us a link to your site?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Of course, sorry!


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I am more and more of the opinion that this is really an Apple/iPad issue, so unless someone stumbles upon a solution and shares it here, let's just let i rest. sigh

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I've sent you an email, will resolve there with the specifics

Answered a year ago · Edit answer