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Include data with partial

How would I implement something like this on Blot, using a partial as a template?

Parse markdown in metadata teaser?

I've modified the blog template to suit my needs, which includes changes to the entries.html template so that teasers are shown in the "just_titles" branch (should rename it soon, I guess). Now I've noticed that {{teaser}} is taken from my entry metadata as desired but that markdown formatting in it isn't parsed. Is there a way to achieve that?

Help with webmentions?

I found the earlier answers on making webmentions work so I forked and am using the blot template. Added in the requirements that Amit and the other person posted but I cannot seem to get webmentions working. I think since 2018 some things have changed perhaps. Has anyone gotten webmentions working on blot blogs after 2018? I am just using a blot.im domain at this point. If you have gotten webmentions working with a blot theme, please tell me how you did the work. thanks!

How do I access new features?

I noticed that there was a new video for the new redesigned blot, but visiting /apps doesn't lead anywhere. Are the new features limited to new subscribers? Also, the link to embedded in posts doesn't work on the "How" page.

Group by folder

I am working on a photography based theme but I am struggling with grouping each project based on the dropbox folder they are in. I saw that the "Portfolio" theme is also ignoring the folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Slideshow embed?

Hi folks, I'm just wondering whether anyone has a method they would recommend for embedding something like a slideshow / image carousel in a Blot post. Thanks in advance for any tips.

Redirect not working?

I recently set up a redirect of a tagged page to a gallery page but it doesn't seem to be working: From: /tagged/photos to: /gallery Clicking the photos tag below the post still sends me to the tagged page rather than the photo gallery I set up. How can I tweak this further to make it work? Thanks!

Hide posts on main page?

Is there a way to publish a post, but not have it show up in the main feed?

Getting page URLs to mirror folder structure

It looks like if I have some nested folders under Pages, Blot will convert and publish them all, but the URLs are flat URLs based on the title. Is there some way to get the URLs for pages to reflect the folder structure? I've tried {{stem}}/{{slug}} but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

How to recreate the RSS feed

I deleted the RSS page by mistake. When I created a new RSS page and linked to to the "/rss" URL, i get a "Page not found" error. How can I recreate the RSS button?

Issue with resetting permalink structures

I’ve tried all three of the potential settings available at https://blot.im/settings/services/permalinks, but changing the setting and saving doesn’t seem to work as I might expect. My URLs default to the standard/original “Title” option. Ideally I’d like to have permalinks be of the format https://example.com/foldername/filename which I would expect to work if I choose the “Custom” option and use the syntax {{path-without-extension}} in the field. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case. Am I doing something wrong, or is the setting just not saving and propagating properly? From a documentation perspective, perhaps some examples of how to chain together the tokens on https://blot.im/how/configure/urls and the expected URL outputs might also be helpful for people? Thanks in advance for your help.

Newsletters services

How can I integrate a newsletter service to blot so that my posts arrive per e-mail without having to duplicate my blog in sites like tinyletter or substack? Is there a service which works well with Blot's infrastructure?

Reduce space between posts in entries.html

Hi, I'm using a forked version of the Blog template and I think the space between two entries in entries.html is a bit too long. I want to bring the entries closer and reduce the blank spaces. I'm also using the {{{teaser}}} tag in entries.html together with the option SHOW FULL POSTS. Can you guys help? Thanks!

How does the right-hand margin work?

Using the blog theme, I did a short text-only post and noticed that the text all stays contained in the left side of the page. It seems to be a two-column layout, but I don’t know how to use that right-hand column. Could you explain how the layout works and how I can best use it? P. S. This is the coolest software project I have seen in a very long time.

Is there a way to display the source file for each post?

I was curious: can the source text file for a post be opened via a URL? For instance, I add the file example.txt to my Posts folder in Dropbox: is there a way to see the content of that file with a URL like mydomain.com/Posts/example.txt?

Regarding absoluteURL

This is true for {{url}} and {{permalink}} as well. Instead of displaying as website.com/page, it displays as website.com/page. Any help would be appreciated.

YAML metadata

Blot's metadata system is awesome. So is YAML metadata, which is used by a bunch of other apps and services. Do YAML's --- separators break Blot's metadata, or are the two compatible? Edit: just noticed that this seems to be in the todos: https://blot.im/about/news Looking forward to it!

Changing the link text for Wikilink does not work for words "3D"

I am trying to use "Extrinsic Calibration Algorithm between a Stereo Visual System and a 3D LiDAR" for the link text of a wikilink, but it does not work. However, "Extrinsic Calibration Algorithm between a Stereo Visual System and a LiDAR" works. Is there any limitation for the link text?

Regular Expressions in Redirects

I was wondering how to use regular expressions in redirects. Consider the following case: I want to redirect users to my github page when they type domain.tld/github without the link being case sencitive. So all URLs including /github, /gitHub, or even /GitHuB would redirect to the same destination. I tried to type it as follows: /github/i, but thast didn't work. Thanks!

Change the URL of the blog index page?

I am trying to find a way to change page/1 to /blog/ as my post URL scheme is blog/{{slug}}. How is this possible? I just want to display what is on page/1 on /blog/ instead.

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