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Wikilink text default without pipe

I'm rebuilding my linked text-files folder to play nice with Blot and struggle with how Blot renders wiki-links. When all my apps remove path to file when viewing notes, Blot for some reason retains "./path/" inside "a href=". Which forces me to use a "pipe text" every time I need to make a wikilink, i.e. a monkey routine copy-pasting the entry title again and again

I insist that the best way to handle wikilinks for Blot will be "Shortest", not "Relative" path, bow to the simple folder design. Shortest path "when possible" is the default for either Obsidian or iAWriter, and it helps to maintain text database, make editing faster, and avoid errors in creating and re-writing links. Even Obsidian misses a ball with fixing links, when files get renamed.

Is there a way to adjust template so that Blot will render wikilinks differently, leaving out "path/"? Or is there a script that will do the same or will add a missing "|pipe text" to the end of every link? Or maybe there is an option to always use "entry title" instead of a "link text"?

a year ago, 3 replies   obsidian   wikilinks   Improve this question

I’m an Obsidian user and I feel your pain. On the other hand, I think the choice of relative path makes my notes more future-proofed, so I’m ok with Blot’s implementation. To avoid the monkey routine you describe in Obsidian, try linking to a note’s alias. In all of my note templates, I set the alias to the original title. For a while, I also used a plug-in that treated the first H1 as an alias, but dropped that approach when 1.0 began displaying the file name inline.

In either case, when I create a link in Obsidian, the alias appears directly after the file name in the link modal.

Here is how the modal looks:

  • Notes/Wide Sargasso Sea
  • Notes/Wide Sargasso Sea/Wide Sargasso Sea

If you choose the second (which is the alias), this is how the link appears in both Blot and Obsidian:

This reminds me of a passage in Wide Sargasso Sea

Maybe you can use this as a workaround until Blot adopts the “shortest” method.

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

Thank you! I did use aliases for a while, but after I adopted iAWriter as a second editor to work with the same notes folder - I had to minimise front-matter use. Besides Obsidian and iAWriter - they don't do "blank spaces in tags" and Blot does, but it's another question.

As of now, and until Blot will either allow to customise the view of wiki-links or/and switch to "shortest path", and I know it's not some simple change of one line of code ... I stick to single-folder design, no paths - no problems ... I hope )

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

I have expanded the wikilinks lookup algorithm.

You can trigger a rebuild of your links if you turn 'Convert Wikilinks into links' off and then on again, on the settings page of your dashboard.

There's more information on the updated page of the documentation about Wikilinks

Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer