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Login security

Any plans to support 2FA for account login, either via OTP or Yubikey?

Trouble with a page on my template?

I'm having some trouble with my /now page. It's stuck showing the content from a now.html file that is no longer in my Blot folder. I want it to load from the now.md file in my Pages folder. Also, appending ?source=true to the URL to see the source content doesn't work. I've tried rebuilding my posts and pages from the Reset menu, but no dice.

Image captions are not appearing on my site?

I'm using the reference template and noticed that all my photos that have a caption in the post's source file do not appear with a caption on my site. Is this a known issue?

Use the first X characters of a post as title?

I have a fairly large number of posts that are imported from other services and have no titles. My first idea to handle this was to use a custom tag and then show "untitled post" for these posts. Unfortunately, it looks really silly on the archive page when there are several "untitled" posts in a row. My second idea to get the first X chars from the post and use that as the title, but is it possible to get the first X chars in some way? And before anyone suggest using the name of the file, my posts are stored in folders with images and are all called "index.md" which means that I get an archive full of "index" which looks even more silly that "untitled post" 😁

Changing background color with metadata?

Hello! Using a custom template here, based on an old version of the Essay template. I'm wondering if there's a way to specify an individual post's background color using Blot metadata. I'm already using the variable bg color in my CSS, but it grabs what color is specified in the template setting. (I'm overriding this on the template's dark mode variant). body { background: {{background_color}}; } What I'd like to do is specify a color in each post's metadata, which then gets loaded in place of that CSS variable. Any help would be much appreciated!

Is it possible to have commas in tags?

Is there a way of having commas in tags? Tried putting the tag in quote marks and escaping the comma but the terms either side of the comma always get separated out into separate tags. Thanks.

Image captions within a post?

I swear this used to give me an image and an image caption inside a post: ![Photo Credit in caption line.](_sample.jpeg) But now I only get the image and no caption. I'm using the blog template. Has something changed or do I have my markdown wrong?

Hide the publish date on my home page?

I'm using a text file as my landing page. I'd like to have that page appear without reference to when it was published. At the moment, information about when the page was published appears in the upper right hand corner of the page. Can I turn that off?

Hanging indents?

Is there an easy way to create hanging indents (i.e., any text that runs past the margin would wrap with a four-space indentation)? I can do this with single lines using HTML paragraph rules, but this creates some spacing problems. This may be a bit of a niche concern, but would help me format poetry to work better on phone screens.

Keeping footnotes?

I am using the Magazine template of which I love the Bignotes. But I would also like the footnotes to be visible at the bottom of the page. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

Remove the date from posts?

I am trying to have a main page and want the date completely gone. How do I do it for a post?

Support for video embed previews in feed?

I've been playing around with the excellent Reference template and having a lot of fun customizing it. While the blog feed is great for tagged images, I'm having a little bit of trouble getting video in the mix. I'm wondering if there's any way to get video embed thumbnails to display in the blog feed similar to image files? Right now they are treated as text posts since they are .md files with a Vimeo URL in them and some info in the file name (date, tags, etc). Ideally a mini version of the embedded player would show in the feed, similar to other templates. I'd be happy with a static thumbnail though, the .post.no-thumbnail style is a little jarring in a sea of image thumbnails. Thx! ♥Jonathan

Self-verification for Mastodon?

Is there's a way to use the self-verification system at Mastodon with a Blot site. Any tips?

Page with Tag

I'm trying to make a custom page that includes a list of posts with a certain tag. I've tried following the instructions on this page, but without success. Here's my code for now.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> {{> head}} <body> {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Now}} <p><a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a></p> {{/tagged.Now}} {{/allEntries}} </body> </html> I also added this to package.json; { "now.html": { "partials": { "title": "Now - {{{title}}}", "description": "What's up right now." } } } And sitemap.xml: <url> <loc>{{blogURL}}/now/</loc> </url> But heydingus.net/now still leads to a 404. Am I doing something wrong?

Wikilink text default without pipe

I'm rebuilding my linked text-files folder to play nice with Blot and struggle with how Blot renders wiki-links. When all my apps remove path to file when viewing notes, Blot for some reason retains "./path/" inside "a href=". Which forces me to use a "pipe text" every time I need to make a wikilink, i.e. a monkey routine copy-pasting the entry title again and again I insist that the best way to handle wikilinks for Blot will be "Shortest", not "Relative" path, bow to the simple folder design. Shortest path "when possible" is the default for either Obsidian or iAWriter, and it helps to maintain text database, make editing faster, and avoid errors in creating and re-writing links. Even Obsidian misses a ball with fixing links, when files get renamed. Is there a way to adjust template so that Blot will render wikilinks differently, leaving out "path/"? Or is there a script that will do the same or will add a missing "|pipe text" to the end of every link? Or maybe there is an option to always use "entry title" instead of a "link text"?

Number of RSS Subscribers?

Is there any way to know how many people have subscribed to my site’s RSS feed?

Too Many Redirects

Hey friends, I'm attempting to transfer my site from Dropbox to Google Drive — Each time I make it through the Google authentication and receive an email from Google confirming that the sign-in was successful, but instead of being redirected to Blot, I get a 'Too many HTTP redirects' error page. I have tried clearing my cache and have tried using multiple browsers. This appears to be an issue on the Blot end. Blot now thinks I am connected to Google Drive, but none of my files have been transferred across, and all file links on my website are broken. Any suggestions? :)

Why can't I connect to Dropbox or Google Drive?

I just signed up and I cannot get Dropbox or Google Drive to connect. It gives me an error on both as soon as I try to connect.

Inline LaTeX equations

It is straightforward to display a Latex equation on a single line with: $$(some equation)$$ This will create a new line with a displayed equation. But how do I display a Latex equation within a sentence (without displaying the equation on a single line of its own). It is usually done with $(some equation)$ or \( (some equation ) \) or some variant of it, but this does not seem to work with blot.im... Without a mechanism for displaying maths equations "inline", it is basically impossible to discuss any type of mathematics! Relevant: https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX/issues/1481 Huge thanks if there is a way to do this!

Is there a way to create a widget to my blog's feed on the homepage?

I've created a new homepage and would like to show the 3 latest posts from the blog on a section of the homepage. Is there a way to write some code to do this? Thanks!

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