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Local Template Not Syncing

Is there something going on with local templating syncing? I made a change to a class in both style.css and archivesContent.html to better describe how it's being used. It looks like Dropbox has synced the changes, but the change is not being respected on my live site.

Pocket is parsing author incorrectly

I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to get the author parsed by read later services. For some reason, Pocket has pulled out "merch" as the author of my posts, and I don't know why. Any ideas? Example post.

Menu Link Items Order

Any idea why my Links don't follow the order I've specified in Settings? See 'Search' not at far right. I've had the order get jumbled from time to time, and I can't figure out why it would change without my interaction.

Where to put and how to reference images used in the templates or in the CSS?

I try to use some small PNG images in the template or better in the CSS. In the CSS file I try something like this: .icon-cat-kickbike { font-size: 24px; padding:0 16px 0 0; background-image: url('_scooter.png') no-repeat right center; } But regardless whether I put the image in my Posts folder or in my template folder (copy-of-scroll), the image is never displayed. Do I have to register the image somehow so that it can be used as an asset? PS: I check rendering on the template preview (URL like https://preview-of-...-on-...blot.im) if that matters.

Issues with Dropbox

Hi. I have definitely saved certain documents to the correct Dropbox folder but it's not showing. Any thoughts appreciated

How to show more post on the entries.html page

How can I show more post excerpts on the entries.html page? Do I have to put a particular variable into the locals section of my package.json? Also, can I paginate entries.html to show even more posts?

Images in subfolder?

How can I put images in subfolders and reference them via ![](_subfolder/image.jpg) I tried exactly this, but the images are not found like this.

Webloc file post

I love that we can just drop a URL into the dropbox folder to make a link post. But is there a way to add just a sentence or two to go along with that link? Thanks!

footer.html or _footer.html

I'm looking into adding a bit of JS code to my site. And from [anorher question}(https://blot.im/questions/730) I got the hint to add it to footer.html. In my fork of blog I have a footer.html -- but in your git repo you point to _footer.html`. What's correct?

Create an ‘On This Day’ page

Is there a way to create an On This Day feature on the Archives page or a separate page of a Blot blog? I would like to see the posts made today in the past years. Jonathan Lacour has coded something similar for Micro.Blog blogs

Menu: no - Excluded From Search?

Looks like pages with the tag "Menu: no" are excluded from the search results. Is there a way to tag them to be included in the results?

Add a Table of Content only on one page?

Is there a way to add a TOC only on one page, which is very long? I don't want to have it on all the pages.


Is there a way with the default blog template to add keywords to your post?

About ads.txt

I have set up the google adsense to my site created by blot.im. And google said “ put the ads.txt on root directory. So I did it. And ads.txt was published as post. I want to avoid that ads.txt is published… Are there any ways to avoid that? Thanks in advance.

What are good extensions for partials?

I want to create a partial which just outputs a formatted entry line (like for the Search or Tagged page). When I read the Blot doco on the template language, partials have the extension .mustache, but all existing partials in the given templates have .html as the ending. What's the best extension to use? Does .mustache work? Or should we stick to .html?

Optional teaser on the index page

From what I have seen, you have the option of either using {{{html}}} or {{{teaser}}} and {{more}}in the entries.html page. Is there a way of integrating both, meaning the post is displayed in its entirety unless a {{more}} tag is included somewhere to turn it into a teaser?

Hot reload for the theme preview?

Hi! Is there an easy way to add some hot reload feature to a theme preview? At the moment my dev cycles is: Making a change to a theme file. Switching to the browser with the open theme preview URL Hitting cmd-R, and again cmd-R, and again cmd-R - until Dropbox is synced and the server serves the new version. Would be great if I could skip step 3 and just wait until the new version appears by itself! I could think of some server-side injected JavaScript or maybe there exist extensions (I use Firefox) which do the same client-side?

Support .htaccess?

Can I set up redirects using an .htaccess configuration file?

Where are the forked template files?

In the doco I read that after forking a template I can edit it on the Blot admin site and in the filesystem. I found where to edit them on the admin site, but I don't know where they are in the filesystem. -- I can't find them in Blot's Dropbox folder.

Does Google Drive apply traffic limits?

I noticed on Blot's own about page the following text - "Dropbox’s traffic limits do not apply because Blot hosts the contents of your folder on its own server." Guessing the same applies when syncing with Google Drive and that there are no traffic limits to worry about?

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