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Changing the summary text?

You say that the summary: "Defaults to the text of the first sentence of the first paragraph in the file."

If the first paragraph is shorter than the maximum summary length, then the summary is continuing after the first paragraph. I would like to use the Magazine template and craft summaries that fit in the available space, so have a paragraph break after my summary.

2 years ago, 3 replies   metadata   summary   Edit question

You can define your own custom summary in your post's metadata, would that work?

Summary: "Your custom summary as long as you like here"
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Perfect. Though that's not working if I have a # Title on the first line of the post. All metadata has to be above headers then?

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Yes, metadata must begin at the very start of the file. Once Blot encounters a line that is not valid metadata, it stops looking further for more metadata

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer