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Newsletters services

How can I integrate a newsletter service to blot so that my posts arrive per e-mail without having to duplicate my blog in sites like tinyletter or substack? Is there a service which works well with Blot's infrastructure?

Reduce space between posts in entries.html

Hi, I'm using a forked version of the Blog template and I think the space between two entries in entries.html is a bit too long. I want to bring the entries closer and reduce the blank spaces. I'm also using the {{{teaser}}} tag in entries.html together with the option SHOW FULL POSTS. Can you guys help? Thanks!

How does the right-hand margin work?

Using the blog theme, I did a short text-only post and noticed that the text all stays contained in the left side of the page. It seems to be a two-column layout, but I don’t know how to use that right-hand column. Could you explain how the layout works and how I can best use it? P. S. This is the coolest software project I have seen in a very long time.

Is there a way to display the source file for each post?

I was curious: can the source text file for a post be opened via a URL? For instance, I add the file example.txt to my Posts folder in Dropbox: is there a way to see the content of that file with a URL like mydomain.com/Posts/example.txt?

Regarding absoluteURL

This is true for {{url}} and {{permalink}} as well. Instead of displaying as website.com/page, it displays as website.com/page. Any help would be appreciated.

YAML metadata

Blot's metadata system is awesome. So is YAML metadata, which is used by a bunch of other apps and services. Do YAML's --- separators break Blot's metadata, or are the two compatible? Edit: just noticed that this seems to be in the todos: https://blot.im/about/news Looking forward to it!

Changing the link text for Wikilink does not work for words "3D"

I am trying to use "Extrinsic Calibration Algorithm between a Stereo Visual System and a 3D LiDAR" for the link text of a wikilink, but it does not work. However, "Extrinsic Calibration Algorithm between a Stereo Visual System and a LiDAR" works. Is there any limitation for the link text?

Regular Expressions in Redirects

I was wondering how to use regular expressions in redirects. Consider the following case: I want to redirect users to my github page when they type domain.tld/github without the link being case sencitive. So all URLs including /github, /gitHub, or even /GitHuB would redirect to the same destination. I tried to type it as follows: /github/i, but thast didn't work. Thanks!

Change the URL of the blog index page?

I am trying to find a way to change page/1 to /blog/ as my post URL scheme is blog/{{slug}}. How is this possible? I just want to display what is on page/1 on /blog/ instead.

Do standard Markdown footnotes formatting only render as in-line footnotes?

I have only been able to generate in-line footnotes rather than footnotes that appear at the bottom of the page using the "[^1]" and "[^1]: footnote next" format. I also played around with various versions of this, but couldn't get it to work. Just as an aside, I am new to Blot and absolutely love it. I really appreciate having this platform. Thank you! My test site is available at austinkocher.blot.im, though it's still a bit of a mess right now as I get things set up.

Longer form writing than blog posts

I have a question or two about how I can use blot to stage some longer form writing I am doing. I write blog posts now in the "posts" folder. These are day to day or so views. The longer form writing would be more words but still markdown formatted. I would like to link to these articles from a landing page but not have them in the same posts folder and also hidden unless someone visits the landing page. I thought of a folder like _stories and then place all the markdown files in there and create the links on the landing page as I go. Is there another way you could suggest publishing longer form writing?

Where to store the audio files for sound posts?

Do you have recommendations for where to publish the .mp3 files? Is it possible to keep them in my Blot’s Dropbox or should I upload it to some site that is for uploading/sharing .mp3? For the latter, would you please also recommend some YouTube-equivalent good sites for uploading .mp3 files? Thank you! I asked about this as a comment on this question but I guess you'd not have received notification for it, so created this new question. :)

Sponsored content near comments?

I've just published my first blog and notice sponsored content at the bottom of the post Does anyone know how to remove this? I'd really rather not have this content on my posts. Thank you in advance

Adding tags to a post?

I can find a few questions/answers regarding how to display tags, but I can not work out how to add tags to my posts. I am expecting the answer to be simple and to prove my ignorance - but please enlighten me!

Query Pages / Custom Menu

Is there a way to query all Pages (instead of Posts) in order to create a custom menu? It looks like {{#all_entries}} doesn't included anything flagged as a page in the meta data, resulting in the inability to filter out only the pages using something like {{#Page}} within the {{#all_entries}} query. Use case: I'd like to create a secondary (footer) menu where I can list a different set of pages than what is shown in the main menu. In the meta data something like this could be used: Page: yes Footer: yes Ideally I could query for {{#Page}} and then within that {{#metadata.footer}} (or something of the sort) to pull the desired pages. In terms of creating a menu, I could likely wrangle the {{#menu}} query and do something fun within it but I didn't know if there was an easier way to list Pages and not Posts

Info on showing multiple images/photographs in a post?

I need further help related to this question: Image galleries / slideshows / masonry layouts Where you have recommended PhotoSwipe to show multiple images as a slideshow of sorts. But I'm a newbie when to comes to adding code to the template, and then I'm not sure how I'd need to format my post to show images. Can you please guide me on: how to update the template for this (which code to copy and where). Please also share if there are any other tools/ways to achieve this (other than through PhotoSwipe). I need a very basic carousel type slideshow that shows images in their full size. how to format a multi-image post (I currently follow a structure where I have a folder for each post: content .txt file + related image file (if I have an image to add) are within one folder. Thank you so much!

File download link

I put a file in my Files folder, prepended with the _ character so it didn't become a post. When I right-click > download on the link on the post, it just downloads the 404 html page. Can I make a link just a file download from dropbox?

Tags in Permalinks

Is it possible to include tags in the permalink?

Workaround for Hash-Hack

CommonMark doesn't support the CSS styles extension, so I am using a HashHack to style images. For example an image beer.jpg with HashHack would look like beer.jpg#left30, which is then declared in CSS as img[src*="#left30"]. This is somewhat cumbersome and doesn't really allow nesting or precedence, but it works. However, if I am checking the "optimize and cache" in Blot's settings, the hash is (this is 100% within the standard, I am not complaining) discarded. So I need a different way to style images that does not involve using img tags (well, I could, but I am trying to convince academics to use this, and they're famously tech-illiterate :). Any ideas?

noindex a specific post or page?

Is there a way to add <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> to an individual markdown page? Presumably if I put the HTML tag in the markdown it'll appear within <body></body> and so will be noncompliant with the HTML specification. Thanks!

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