Webloc file post
I love that we can just drop a URL into the dropbox folder to make a link post. But is there a way to add just a sentence or two to go along with that link? Thanks!
This is a good idea but not really possible at the moment. The closest approximation would be to create a markdown file, with link and your commentary, e.g.
A few lines about example.com go here.
This is of course not as convenient as dragging the .webloc file from your browser. There are ways to make this more convenient, but there are just ideas at this moment:
- bookmarklet / browser extension which creates the text file automatically for you, allowing you to type a few lines of commentary
- cli tool that generates the text file for you
I've been meaning to build that browser extension for a while, would you be interested?
Answered 4 years ago · Edit answerThanks so much!
Yes, I'd be preferable to a bookmarklet. I keep my send to Feebin or Instapaper bookmarklets the first two in my bookmarks bar so I can press CMD+1 to save a page quickly. If there was a bookmarklet that opened a little window and allowed me to type in a line of text and send that to Blot with with the link, that'd be golden.
Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer
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