Why would CSS reset after editing in browser?
I have been modifying my style.css sheet in Blot's template editor for the past few hours. I was using the Original template and modifying in Blot's dashboard interface. However, after a page refresh while editing the style sheet, I lost all changes I had been working on. Why would this happen? And how do I ensure this doesn't happen again?
Permanently exporting a Blot site?
Say that I want to make a site once and for all, and then i want to keep it up without any serious updates. would there be a way to export the site and keep it that way? Blot is by far my favourite way to build a site, but I don't want to pay monthly for more than one or two sites forever
Adding tags to a post?
I've read all the documentation and I'm sure I'm being thick but I just can't get my posts tagged. I am just posting .md files via DropBox but how do I get the posts to have tags?
Issue linking from page to post?
In my About Me page, I link to a blog post. However, when I click on that link, it goes to an .md file viewed in the browser. I am sure I'm doing something wrong with wikilinks and maybe just need a redirect to Documentation. I'm also not sure if the space and commas in the file name are messing with it? I am using Obsidian and here is how it's written: Hello! I'm Benjamin Clover (formerly Saubolle-Camacho), an Associate Professional Clinical Counselor (APCC #14202) in the state of California. I made this blog after [deleting (most of) my social media](/Posts/Goodbye, accounts. This also happens with my link to my CV. I am also a clinician & program administrator for our county's First Episode Psychosis program. You can see more about my professional background in my [CV](/Pages/ Thanks for any help, Benjamin
What determines the order of posts in "Up Next" using the Magazine template?
I apologize if I missed this in the documentation but I cannot seem to figure it out. What determines what is show in "Up Next" as compared to "Latest Posts"? Thank you!
Embed photos Flickr and/or Smugmug?
Is it possible to embed images from Flickr and/or Smugmug? They are not mentioned in the documentation so I assume it's not possible.
How to change home (index) to custom page?
I'd also like to add all listings to "blog" item instead of the homepage.
Creating a Drop Cap in the Blog Template
Just thought I would share what worked for me for those looking to do the same thing. Add to your CSS file. /* Drop Cap */ .entry > p:first-of-type::first-letter { color: #A52A2A; float: left; font-size: 3em; margin: .1em .1em .1em .1em; line-height: 0.85; }
Template colors reverting?
I changed the 3 colors (background, nav background, accent) in the template on the web, but anytime I publish a change to a page it reverts. Any help?
Issue editing site menu?
I see to edit the menu it's not under editing your template the website. However the section does not seem to be usable in the browser. Everything is all over the place and it's hard to click things because of odd alignments. Is there a way to edit menus when just editing a template locally?
KaTeX server side rendering?
Hey! I remember that it was possible to enable TeX server side rendering, but now I can't find this option under Publishing settings. Is this still available? Blot uses KaTeX on the server side and does not require the visitor to enable JavaScript
Hiding the post date in blog posts
The date appears at the top of posts. How do I keep intact the date next to post titles in the archive but hide it in posts? Thanks.
Disable backlinks for Pages, but keep them for Posts?
I have an "about" Page, and a Post that links to it. At the bottom of the "about" Page, there is the Links here/backlinks section that appears at the bottom of regular Posts. I’d like to disable this for Pages, but keep it for Posts. I had a look through the entry.html template, and I can see the section that adds backlinks right above the section that adds pagination. Pagination is not shown on Pages, but backlinks are, but to my untrained eye, I don't see a difference between the way the sections for backlinks/pagination are set up in the template.
How to activate a Template?
I have downloaded a few of the templates and unzipped them and, one at a time, dropped them in the Templates folder of my Blot folder but it seems to have no effect. Is there a way to enable or activate a template?
How to turn a folder of pictures into a post?
Is there a way to turn a folder of images into a post instead of having each one show up one by one?
How do I make a post title in the Archive appear different from its title/header within the post itself?
Making a piece of custom metadata act like a tag?
I create a new post for concerts I attend. Currently, I include the venue name as a piece of custom metadata. I would like for this piece of metadata to be clickable, to show all other posts that were “tagged” with that specific venue. I could add the venue as its own tag, but then it would be displayed with the other tags, and I would like it displayed separately. But, when I display the venue in its own metadata section, then I can’t retain the functionality of the normal tags. Any way to accomplish this or something like this?
Adjust tag font size in magazine template
Wondering how to change the font size of the auto-generated tags in the magazine template. Want to make them smaller. Searched for it in the custom CSS but between "tags," "tag list," and "tagged" I didn't really have a clue what I was doing.
How do back links work?
Your back links feature works well (at least in Magazine template) so the geek in me is curious how it works, how does Blot know there are existing links to a post? Does it scan the site or some internal database when a new post is generated?
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