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OneDrive Client?

Some time ago I believe it was planned to add OneDrive as a client along with Dropbox and Git. I see now that Google Drive is planned. Is OneDrive still being considered as a future client? Thank you.

Hide specific posts in Previous section?

Is it possible to remove irrelevant posts that have different tag variables in the Previous and Next post sections? For instance, a post with the tag "dog" should not display any posts with the tag "cat" in the Previous section. Here is my current solution: {{#tagged.dog}} {{^tagged.cat}} {{previous}} {{/tagged.cat}} {{/tagged.dog}} However, this only solves half of the problem. If the previous post had the "cat" tag, then there will be a blank space in the Previous section. This is because it is a linear filter rather than an iteration loop. I'm looking for a better approach that not only blocks out irrelevant posts but also shows previous posts with the same tag.

Sync support from Evernote?

Will you ever add sync support from Evernote.com?

Is there a Mustache template key for the request URL path available?

I'm looking to integrate GoatCounter's tracking pixel: https://www.goatcounter.com/help/pixel Per their docs, this looks like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/url-goes-here"> I'd like to be able to use Blot's existing templating logic to do something like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/{{req.url.path}}">

Favicon and RSS feed icon?

Should the image being used as the favicon show up as the icon in an RSS reader app? In my RSS reader app, when I subscribe to my site, the placeholder is just the default "T" on a color background that the app uses for feeds that don't have a specified icon. Wondering if I need to set this explicitly in the feed.rss file in my template.

Unable to get custom metadata to show up

I've set custom metadata for one of my posts, as per this doc. In this case, it is for describing magic spells. The metadata is as follows: title: Magic Spell tags: spell date: 2023-01-16 isSpell: yes magicWord: boo Now, I want to have this custom metadata show up, only for posts where the isSpell: metadata is set to yes. So I've modified my entry.html template as follows {{#entry}} {{#metadata.isSpell}} {{metadata.magicWord}} {{/metadata.isSpell}} {{{html}}} {{/entry}} But when I go to the corresponding post, I can't see the Magic Word. I've added ?debug=true to the URL and I can see the metadata in the JSON, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

{{last}} is not defined inside {{archives}}

I know {{^last}}{{/last}} does work on Blot in principle, considering this question. However, it does not seem to work with {{#entries}}, even though some templates try to make use of it. Specifically, I am talking about the "Index" template, which tries to do the following on its archives.html part: {{#entries}} <a class="archive" href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a>{{^last}}&nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;{{/last}} {{/entries}} In case of three posts in a single month, e. g. "abc", "def" and "ghi", I would expect the following to appear on the archives page: abc · def · ghi However, the {{^last}}{{/last}} block never seems to be executed, which leaves me with: abc def ghi (The spaces are probably added because of the line break in the HTML code.) I suspect that the items of {{#entries}} do not even have a last-property, which is why Mustache evaluates it to "false" (for all items)? Or is there some other problem? This happens with a freshly forked "Index" template, so I think it should work out of the box.

How to embed audio in a post?

Just wondering if there is a way to publish audio, say an mp3 file for a podcast, in a post.

Broken link to developer documentation?

Hello, I'm trying to create a custom template, but some documentation seems to be missing: https://blot.im/developers/reference

Sorting the posts in a [tagged] folder?

I have a bunch of images from a trip to Bali in a folder tagged [Bali]. I tried adding a markdown file in the same folder (tagged "Bali" in the meta data) in order to add a headline and some textual information. It is actually rendered, however, only at the end of the page underneath the images. Is there a way to push the text from the markdown file to the top of the page? I tried changing the date to be more recent than the images, but images seem to automatically have render priority.

Styling disabled checkbox inputs

One more of these and then I'll stop trying to turn this Questions section into my own personal CSS school... for at least a few weeks. Is it possible to style checkboxes? Specifically I have a page using some checked and unchecked items; they're not intended to be editable by visitors, that's fine, but I think the 'disabled' selector is messing me up. Here's the page (I'm trying to just make the 'checked' boxes stand out a bit more by giving them a coloured background. Here's what I've tried to no avail: input[type="checkbox"]:disabled { background: #46adf9; }

Markdown in Google Doc?

Just started with blot and planned to use google docs as my editor. I guess markdown doesn't work within Google Documents, altough GD understands some md out of the box (e.g. # headline) I played around and couldn't get most of the formatting and features to work. I would really like to stay in gd (even with only md for formatting) for convenience and not need any additional txt editor. Anything I am missing, any settings in blot or docs? Working well: formating based on headlines and line breaks Working semi: links get routed through Google Search (see below); current date based on the doc (but no editing for a future/past pub date possible) Not working: any other formatting (tested: bold, italic, color); tags

CSS for blockquote border?

CSS friends, I've been playing around with adding a gradient for things like link underlining; it looks like this: a { color: {{text_color}}; text-decoration: none; background: linear-gradient(to left, #ad1981, #46adf9 100%); background-position: 0 100%; background-size: 100% 1px; background-repeat: repeat-x; } I'm trying to figure out how to achieve a similar effect as a 2px left hand border for blockquotes, but I'm misunderstanding something about how it works. Any insight much appreciated. My best guess so far looks like this: padding: 0 0 0 12px; opacity: 0.8; background: linear-gradient(to left, #ad1981, #46adf9 100%); background-position: left; background-size: 100% 2px; background-repeat: repeat-y;

Previously scheduled post still shows on the dashboard?

Below is a screenshot of my Dashboard Posts page showing a phantom post (the first one). The post was previously scheduled, but I moved it to drafts to work on it more. It was never published and it isn't in dropbox as you can see on the left of the below screenshot.

Custom path for posts overview?

Hi, I'm looking to move the overview of posts to a subpath (/photos) and have a custom page act as the landing page. I'm using a (minimal) fork of the portfolio theme, but I'm happy to change if that's necessary. I can't find any rewrite rules or anything of the sort, and while I can create a custom page to hide the native index (posts overview) page, I don't know how to then resurface it in under a custom path. Thanks!

The layouts in the text file from the demo?

Do you happen to have the layouts.txt file from the demo video available to share? I’d like to get an idea of all the different formatting options available and figured that would be the perfect reference.

Image galleries / slideshows / masonry layouts

Hi! Is there any recommended way to display multiple images in a single post alongside text, either as a carousel (e.g. Lightweight image slider) or as a masonry layout (e.g. PhotoSwipe or Masonry)?

Mysterious latex problems?

I am working on a post with some latex equations. They look great and everything, but when there is a latex error of some kind it fails silently, and prevents changes from reflecting in my post. Tracing down an error is a lot of work, but I isolated a few of them, and now that I've traced the problems, I am completely baffled. Very mundane things like adding () around something can cause it to fail, and I can't figure out why. For example I have a line $$A_{ij}$$ contains $$(X_{i,c}W_{c,0})X$$. which apparently works fine because the page renders, but if I change it to $$A_{ij}$$ contains $$(X_{i,c}W_{c,0})(X)$$. then all changes I make to the document are blocked, and aren't reflected until I remove the surrounding () from X. Another problematic snippet is The resulting attention matrix is $$ A = XW^Q W^K^\intercal X^\intercal $$ Which renders the middle W^K correctly, but everything else is left as plain text.. Then if I include the subsequent paragraph, again, changes are blocked. While this is easy to lay out, it is very difficult to interpret. The meaning of each barcode depends entirely on which other barcodes are present, so the meaning of $$W^Q$$ and $$W^K$$ can't be nailed down without context. But if I remove it I can make changes again (but the proceeding equation still renders wrong) I can't reproduce any of these issues with my own local latex environments, and I've tried all kinds of variations to figure out what is wrong. Does anyone know what is going on?

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