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File download link

I put a file in my Files folder, prepended with the _ character so it didn't become a post. When I right-click > download on the link on the post, it just downloads the 404 html page. Can I make a link just a file download from dropbox?

2 years ago, 2 replies   Improve this question

It looks like your link to your file from your post isn't resolving correctly. If the post's source file is in a different sub directory, you'll need to use either a relative path, or an absolute path. In your case, an absolute path might be easiest. If your file was called, try this:

![Download link](/Files/
Answered 2 years ago · Improve this answer

Working now, thanks! I think it was that the file was an automator service workflow and didn't have an explicit file extension. Zipping it up and changing the link to match did the trick!

Answered 2 years ago · Improve this answer