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Wider text column in Magazine template?

What do i need to do to make the text column larger in the magazine template?

Exclude posts from /random?

It doesn't look like there is any templating power to how "/random" is resolved. I notice though that random script will show any entry on my blog even it has a "search: no" metadata. In fact it appears that random script just loves showing those "hidden" entries )), giving them a priority. Could we please: a). agree to exclude "search: no" entries from the /random, and perhaps b). introduce a new metadata "random: no" or a template view, or, at least, c). give an option to disable random script in site settings

Ghost entries and broken links?

I'm getting a number of pages rendered on my site, the files for which were deleted from my folder (sync via Git), not only it causes the removed content to appear on my website and get indexed but it also creates a cascade of broken links as aa existing a-file.md render as a-page-name-2. Looks like it's an ongoing trouble and I want to learn how to fix it Could have something to do with git, as I noticed that many times when I move a file from subfolder to subfolder my git client shows it as deleted and created anew. I also noticed that if I commit several linked files at once - the wiki-links between them (and the backlinks) are likely not to render correctly and I need to put a line break or edit something to refresh the pages and correct the links

Best practice for posting videos?

My site is nothing special, just old school blog I throw personal crap on. I had a few vertical videos taken on phone I put up, I converted them to .mp4 whcih works. When it comes to sizing and how to post them I was wondering if anyone had any advice, Here are two posts I have videos in. They work, just advice. https://darrencohen.me/2024-big-east-tournament https://darrencohen.me/7-train-arrival

Will changing link format break things?

For the past few years I've been using a {{YYYY}}/{{M}}/{{slug}} format for my links. I'm reconsidering not having that leading 0 for the month. What will happen to old posts if I change it to {{YYYY}}/{{MM}}/{{slug}}?

Recent changes not visible on news page?

Just found the blocks or changes on todo page (https://blot.im/news) is now disappeared?

How to insert an image?

I am learning Markdown and today I tried to add an image but it went pear shaped. I looked up the basic code for adding image but I cannot get it to work. It will be a local image on my drive.

Cloning entries.html?

Is it possible to clone entries.html by creating a new file in the template, naming it 'blurbs.html' and copy/pasting the code from entries.html? I would also change what appears in the entries vs blurbs pages based on tags. I'm just not clear if this behavior is supported. I have seem other posts doing a similar thing with tagged pages, but the format hoping to achieve for blurbs is just like entries.html where those posts only show up when you visit the /blurb URL.

Need to resize image

I'm trying to format the height of my image. Is there a way to do this in the existing markdown file or do I have to translate my markdown to HTML in order for my "img" tag to work? Or is there some other way within Markdown to specify an image size? Or perhaps you would recommend adding an ID to the image and then modifying size via CSS?

How to avoid showing the hamburger?

Hi! I'm using the Photo template, how can I avoid showing the menu nav hidden under the hamburger on mobile? And keep showing the links as I don't have too many. Thanks!

Thumbnails not working on Google Drive?

I upload images in Google Drive but instead of the thumbnail to appear in Photo template, it appears a number "1"

Template Sharing URL change?

If I share my current active template, does the URL break if I make additional changes to the template after the Share is initiated?

Compatibility with Dropbox macOS File Provider changes?

I've been getting prompted for weeks/months to apply an update/upgrade on my macOS Dropbox install: https://help.dropbox.com/installs/macos-support-for-expected-changes Among other things, it changes the Dropbox location to ~/Library/CloudStorage which will surely break some local tooling I have and can probably be resolved by symlinking it back to ~/Dropbox. Are there any other concerns with applying this update other than the logical place all the files live?

RSS feed title customization for specific tags?

I use the below code for putting a unicode arrow after a title on the archives page for linkposts. Is it possible to add a similar customization to the feed.rss template so that the title would get the arrow in RSS reader apps? I want folks consuming the RSS feed to know there's a linked post to go read beyond my comments. I also have a YAML value for linkpost, if that somehow works better for this use case than the tag value. {{#allEntries}} <div class="row"> <div class="column left"> <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}} {{#tagged.linkpost}} &#x21FE; {{/tagged.linkpost}} </a> </div> <div class="column right"> <span class="smalldate">{{date}}</span> </div> </div> {{/allEntries}}

Change to directory name in Dropbox > Apps behind the scenes?

Is anyone else seeing that the directory in Dropbox > Apps is no longer named Blot, but is now named with the site name? I don't know when this changed, but could cause some issues for hard-coded scripts if folks have any of those. My dashboard still shows the following, but this could just be a bad artifact from the change. I don't mind it, personally, but thought I'd ask and surface the change here in case it caused any breakage for users: Dropbox > Apps > Blot

OneDrive Client?

Some time ago I believe it was planned to add OneDrive as a client along with Dropbox and Git. I see now that Google Drive is planned. Is OneDrive still being considered as a future client? Thank you.

Hide specific posts in Previous section?

Is it possible to remove irrelevant posts that have different tag variables in the Previous and Next post sections? For instance, a post with the tag "dog" should not display any posts with the tag "cat" in the Previous section. Here is my current solution: {{#tagged.dog}} {{^tagged.cat}} {{previous}} {{/tagged.cat}} {{/tagged.dog}} However, this only solves half of the problem. If the previous post had the "cat" tag, then there will be a blank space in the Previous section. This is because it is a linear filter rather than an iteration loop. I'm looking for a better approach that not only blocks out irrelevant posts but also shows previous posts with the same tag.

Sync support from Evernote?

Will you ever add sync support from Evernote.com?

Is there a Mustache template key for the request URL path available?

I'm looking to integrate GoatCounter's tracking pixel: https://www.goatcounter.com/help/pixel Per their docs, this looks like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/url-goes-here"> I'd like to be able to use Blot's existing templating logic to do something like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/{{req.url.path}}">

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