Embed photos Flickr and/or Smugmug?
Is it possible to embed images from Flickr and/or Smugmug? They are not mentioned in the documentation so I assume it's not possible.
Yes, you can paste the embed HTML code given to you by either Flickr or Smugmug directly into your markdown or text file. Blot won't stop you! The post on your site should include the working embed.
Eventually, I'll work out if it's possible for Blot to handle the generation of the embed code itself (like it already does for YouTube, Vimeo, Bandcamp, etc.) so all you'd need to do is simply copy/paste the link to a flickr photo into the article.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else
Answered 3 months ago · Edit answerJust added a feature which maps Flickr URLs in your posts into Flickr embeds, automatically, e.g.
# Title of post
Some text here.
More text here...
For existing sites, this must be enabled on the 'External services' page of your dashboard. For new sites, this will be turned on by default.
Answered 3 months ago · Edit answer
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