Next / previous posts following tag?
Would it be possible to use your next / previous templating on posts to only show the next or previous post for a specific tag?
Are CSS variables supported?
I'm setting up a new theme and I'm trying to add some CSS variables (example below) but every time I try, it seems that blot isn't parsing them and is basically ignoring that CSS. Are CSS variables supported? Example: :root { --text: #333; --bg: #fafafa; } body { color: var(--text); background: var(--bg); } Apologies if this question has been answered before, but the search bar isn't working for me. I just get a faded screen with no results.
Backlinks don't seem to work in Magazine template?
I'm trying to replace latest links in entry.html to backlinks, i.e.: {{#backlinks}} <a href="{{{url}}}" class=" dim no-underline db pv2 bt b--black-10" style="position:relative"> <span class="w-10 fr db" style="background: no-repeat url({{thumbnail.medium.url}}) 0 0 / cover"> <span class=" db" style="height:0;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden"> </span> </span> <span class="fl w-80 db black-80 flex" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center;"><span >{{title}}</span></span> <span class="cf"></span> </a> {{/backlinks}} I replaced {{#recent_entries}} with {{#backlinks}} in above but nothing shows. I can confirm backlinks code works fine on blog template. Can you help sort this? This is on my "commons" blot account. I have templates disabled when I'm not hacking away on it to keep bots/folks from browsing it so you'll want to enable it and set use template to Copy of Magazine. (For some reason whenever I disable templates and turn it back on it always defaults to blog template so I have to switch it to magazine each time. Could be a bug?) For an example blog page with backlinks look for the "snippets" one.
How to make the blog title clickable?
For my blog I would like to make the title of the post on the page clickable – for example if you click the blog heading / title of the Welcome post it takes you to the post as well / like when you click the date at the bottom of each post. I forked the template 'Blog' but not sure where I am looking to achieve this for every post going forwards? Overall where in the 'Blog' Template do I look to make every post heading clickable on the main page of my site like the date does and what code do I need to input where in the template?
Buy Me a Coffee support?
I was wondering what is the easiest way to embed Buy Me a Coffee into a website on Blot?
Trouble with a page on my template?
I'm having some trouble with my /now page. It's stuck showing the content from a now.html file that is no longer in my Blot folder. I want it to load from the file in my Pages folder. Also, appending ?source=true to the URL to see the source content doesn't work. I've tried rebuilding my posts and pages from the Reset menu, but no dice.
Animated GIFs support?
Does Blot support .gif(s) inside the posts? The ones that I added doesn't seem to show correctly.
Question about how Blot works?
In the developer docs it says Check if there is a template whose route matches the request’s path. Render the template if it matches. Check if there is a file which matches the request’s path in your blog’s folder. Send the file as a response if it matches. First I didn't really understand this (me being locked into another model of thinking) but if I've understood things correctly it means that when I link to a page, for example 'archive', it will use the archive template file to see what needs to be done. Questions: What are the "standard" templates that blot expects to see? archives, entries, entry, error, feed, search, tagged?? If a template use partials then it becomes possible to call that partial and it will be rendered. At least this is what I see when I call "head.html" and "header.html" (using the Blog template). Have I understood things correctly?
Image captions are not appearing on my site?
I'm using the reference template and noticed that all my photos that have a caption in the post's source file do not appear with a caption on my site. Is this a known issue?
Improving Reference template on small screens?
Is there any way to ensure that the mobile phone experience is similar to desktops, tablets. I find the margins are completely cut off on mobile so it all looks very tight and ugly.
Changing background color with metadata?
Hello! Using a custom template here, based on an old version of the Essay template. I'm wondering if there's a way to specify an individual post's background color using Blot metadata. I'm already using the variable bg color in my CSS, but it grabs what color is specified in the template setting. (I'm overriding this on the template's dark mode variant). body { background: {{background_color}}; } What I'd like to do is specify a color in each post's metadata, which then gets loaded in place of that CSS variable. Any help would be much appreciated!
Replacement text for wikilinks
In Obsidian I often use the vertical bar (|) to change the text used to display a link. For example, [[Internal links|custom display text replacements]] Does this not work in Blot? I’ve been using this and just realised that all my articles have been showing the link and not the text replacements replacement.
Adding a badge to my template's footer?
I would like to add this "Written by human not AI" badge somewhere at the foot of all of my blog posts I can't figure out how to upload a png or svg into the blog source though.
How to change the number of posts on my homepage?
I know that {{recent_entries}} shows 30 posts but how can i have my home page only show the 10 most recent posts?
Share HTML page with custom CSS/JS?
Is there a way to share an html page that is totally standalone from the rest of the site? Like I made a little webpage that is a kind of webtoy, but if I try and share it in one of my blot folders it doesn't work properly because blot renders it within the entry.html stylings etc. (which I understand cos it's rendered in the {{{html}}} block of the template). Is there a workaround to get blot to not render any other html/css/js other than what this html file is telling it to? Or would I have to host it elsewhere and link to it from my blog?
Having problem centering logo?
Although the logo is centered when i click "preview", when the website is fully published it is still stuck on the left corner. Live Website What I see on preview
Multi-file posts syntax?
We plan to add support for merging multiple files into a single post on Blot. My question for you is, what should the syntax be? We need to indicate that a subfolder's files should be merged into a post, rather than become individual posts. Let's say you have a folder full of pictures of your trip to Italy. How should you indicate that instead of individual posts, per image, they should be merged into a single post automatically? A few options which come to mind: (Pictures from Italy) Pictures from Italy (album) Pictures from Italy -- -Pictures from Italy- {Pictures from Italy} Pictures from Pictures from Italy > Pictures from Italy @\Pictures from Italy #Pictures from Italy # Pictures from Italy Pictures from Italy & Pictures from Italy + + Pictures from Italy A few constraints: use safe, cross-platform characters make the resulting folder good to look at make it non-language specific if possible (i.e. don't depend on english words) There's more information about multi-file posts on GitHub, but please feel free to share your thoughts here on there. I'm writing the underlying code required for the feature at the moment, and the syntax can be adjusted down the line before release.
Adding day of week to date format?
Is it possible to set the date format of posts so they include the day of the week?
Error checking if page is active in menu ?
When I put the following in my template, I get the error Unclosed section "active} <div class="menu"> {{#menu}} {{#active}} <a href="{{{url}}}" class="light active">{{label}}</a> {{/active}} {{^active}} <p>hello</p> {{/active}} <a href="{{{url}}}" class="light">{{label}}</a> {{/menu}} </div>
Using first frame of a video as preview?
Is there a way to show the first frame (or just any image) of a (local) video (located in the same folder as the .md file) as a preview image rather than just the play icon? This seems to work fine for external video hosted on Youtube, but does not seem to work for video stored in the same folder