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How do I work with external contractors?

I'd like an external contractor to update the templates and CSS of my site to provide a new design that is beyond my capabilities to implement. How do I work with them? My ideal would be to have a locally hosted version of my site that I could collaborate with the contractor via github and PRs. Is that an option? Or something like it? I don't want to just give them the password to my Blot account and let them go to town.

2 years ago, 2 replies   developers   Edit question

You can host your repository on GitHub. Blot is simply set up as a remote that you would git push to: https://blot.im/how/sync/git#sharing-your-folder-on-github

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Could you collaborate on the same shared Dropbox / Google Drive folder, and use the local template editing mode?

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer