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Hiding the post date in blog posts

The date appears at the top of posts. How do I keep intact the date next to post titles in the archive but hide it in posts? Thanks.

3 years ago, 2 replies   Edit question

Hello! The answer will depend on which template you are using. If you tell me which template you have, I'd be happy to provide specific steps.

More generally, you will want to fork an editable copy of your template if you haven't already. Then you will want to:

  1. Open the template view entry.html, which is used to render the permalink page for each entry, and remove the line or lines which reference the tag {{date}}.
  2. Open the template view entries.html, which is used to render the index page for your site, and remove the line or lines which reference the tag {{date}}.

If you happen to be using the Blog template, you would remove:

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I'm using the Essay theme, if it makes a difference.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer

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