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Problems with date stamps?

I notice that the Date: metadata isn't taking effect now; it used to be that I could upload a post with a future date or time, and it would go live at that time, but now they show up at the time they get uploaded as long as the Draft flag isn't set. Did something change?

Remove the underline from the links in the Diary template?

I've put text-decoration: none in most places where the anchor "a" is defined in the style.css file of the Diary template; but it still won't go away. What should I change to make a global change such that none of the hyperlinks are underlined?

LinkedIn unable to generate preview

I'm trying to link to a new blog post in a post on LinkedIn. For some reason, LinkedIn is saying it can't generate the preview. I've checked the blog post in LinkedIn Post Inspector to get specific details but it's just saying 'We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.' I checked with a post that has previously previewed fine in LinkedIn and that is also coming up with the error now, so I'm thinking something might have changed with the server rather than it being specific to the post I'm linking to.

How to render raw moustache?

Let's say I want to embed some moustache code into a blog post, how do I do that? If I enter: <h1>{{ title }}</h1> The output on the frontend us just: <h1></h1> This is because Blot is trying to render the tag. I've tried changing the brackets to the unicode equivalent, but that didn't work. When I used Jekyll, I could wrap the code blocks in {{ raw }} to tell Jekyll not to try and render those elements. Does mustache have anything similar? I can't find anything in their docs.

Why is the time always wrong on every post?

Why is the time always wrong on every post? I have it set to Europe/London in the settings, but if I enable this in the theme on the post, it always displays the wrong time constantly.

How to make the blog title clickable?

For my blog I would like to make the title of the post on the page clickable – for example if you click the blog heading / title of the Welcome post it takes you to the post as well / like when you click the date at the bottom of each post. I forked the template 'Blog' but not sure where I am looking to achieve this for every post going forwards? Overall where in the 'Blog' Template do I look to make every post heading clickable on the main page of my site like the date does and what code do I need to input where in the template?

Adding a badge to my template's footer?

I would like to add this "Written by human not AI" badge somewhere at the foot of all of my blog posts I can't figure out how to upload a png or svg into the blog source though.

How to change the number of posts on my homepage?

I know that {{recent_entries}} shows 30 posts but how can i have my home page only show the 10 most recent posts?

Content Security Policy

I’m seeing a new best practice around regarding Content Security Policy (CSP): any solution planned in Blot regarding this or is an individual implementation to consider, like analytics? Thanks!

Error checking if page is active in menu ?

When I put the following in my template, I get the error Unclosed section "active} <div class="menu"> {{#menu}} {{#active}} <a href="{{{url}}}" class="light active">{{label}}</a> {{/active}} {{^active}} <p>hello</p> {{/active}} <a href="{{{url}}}" class="light">{{label}}</a> {{/menu}} </div>

Adding day of week to date format?

Is it possible to set the date format of posts so they include the day of the week?

Using first frame of a video as preview?

Is there a way to show the first frame (or just any image) of a (local) video (located in the same folder as the .md file) as a preview image rather than just the play icon? This seems to work fine for external video hosted on Youtube, but does not seem to work for video stored in the same folder

Is it possible to get the length of the post?

Is it possible to get the length of the post content? It could be used to calculate reading time, display the post in a different layout, etc . if we have a way to get the number of characters.

Animated GIFs support?

Does Blot support .gif(s) inside the posts? The ones that I added doesn't seem to show correctly.

Adding a copyright statement

Is there a smart way to add a discrete copyright statement (eg. C 2023 XX, all rights reserved) as a footer to all pages? I'm using Diary template. Thanks!

Adding a tooltip to links on hover?

I love the hover preview used in the bigfoot footnotes within the magazine theme. Just wondering if there was a way to do similar when hovering over wikilinks (similar to that of wikipedia or obsidian)?

Adding script to format RPG "actual play" reports

Hi, I have been playing around with trying to set up ap_shortcodes.js on my site to allow shortcodes to format RPG 'actual play' reports. I've tried pointing the head scripts and css to the default location and also downloading them to my local site and pointing to them there, but the JavaScript doesn't seem to be getting picked up. The example page provided by the developer works just fine (the example html) so my browser is certainly able to render the scripts...and I'm assuming the default scripts (that I've been trying to point to) also are functional. I presume it's just something at the Blot end that I've done incorrectly! Can you please point me in the direction of any information that might help me configure these settings?

Making an image into a link?

Is it possible to make an image into a clickable link in blot?

Adding time or tags to photos?

I posted a photo on my blog. I noticed it set the time to 12:00 am, even though that wasn't the timestamp on the photo. How do I set the time on a jpg? Also can I add a tag to this photo? Thank you!

Are there SEO-related features?

E.g., setting canonical links, meta descriptions, og:image, site title/description, etc.

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