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Changing the menu link colour on the blog template?

Can I make it so that the menu is shown with the accent colour rather than gray? I'm using (a slightly customised version of) the Blog template.

Questions about multiple blogs?

Is it ok that users can create new blogs at the same price of their existing blogs? If someone wants to blog about many topics, should they put everything on one blog or create several blogs? Is there a way to tag and sort posts accordingly? I also noticed that after logging in on blot.im it refreshes the page and the "log in" and "sign up" buttons are still there until the user clicks on "log in" again. It's not a big deal since the user knows what to do.

How to hide a *formatted* blog post?

I am trying to post a few archived blog posts on my site, and I want to link to them manually, but I don't want them to show up in the blog roll or the page menus. I have been able to hide posts and pages from view, but when I do, the txt or md file doesn't process; it just shows up as monospace text which isn't user friendly. Is there a way to solve this?

Group Posts Number

I know that {{total_posts}} gets me the number of every published post. Is there a similar query that will give me just the number of posts in a given group (i.e. month). You can see what I'm trying to accomplish here:

How to "hard code" the JSON variables into a script tag when I need them in the JavaScript of a page

Following up on this question I would like to find out more in detail how to "hard code the JSON variables into a script tag" when I need to work with them in JavaScript. For example the tags variable in the page's JSON structure, how can I access this in JavaScript? Do I read it out of the DOM , say, in the load event? Sorry, but I am a bit confused here.

How to modify values in the JSON structure associated with a Blot page?

All the Blot data like entries and tags are stored in a JSON structure associated with each page. (I mean the JSON data I can see when I add ?debug=true to the page.) When I'm on the page how can I access (and modify) this JSON info via JavaScript, say, in the load event? I assume the JSON structure is stored as an object somewhere in the DOM?

Analytics integration with GoatCounter

Hello! Do you have a way I can integrate with GoatCounter? I'm a software dev in my day job, so I'm totally ok with writing some custom JS on my site if there's a way to do that. Thanks! :D https://www.goatcounter.com/

Multiple posts in a page

A file in the Pages folder makes a link. Can there be multiple posts in that "link"? The result would be links to folders that contain tagged posts (or files put in that folder automatically tagged.) It looks like the Archive folder has been modified here to begin what I'm after.

How to password-protect a site?

Is it possible to require a password in order to access a site, or a post.

How to remove thumbnail from your main page

I do have two images in the blog I've written, but I don't want the thumbnail to be shown on the home page. How can I do that?

Names, aliases, mustache lambdas

About this topic I asked a more specific question yesterday(*), but here a more general approach: Is there a way to mangle the value of variables in mustache via some sort of function? Also, in the specific case of tags, I saw that there are two variables: {{name}} and {{tag}}. According to the doco {{name}} is an "Alias for tag". So can I somehow tweak how this alias is generated, say always cut of "cat-" from its value if the value always starts with "cat-"? (*) But I'm not sure whether the other question "drowned", because I myself had added a comment which appears as an answer...

Two blogs

How do I set up two blogs? Do I have two separate Dropbox "master" folders, one for each blog?

Make H1 Link to Post on Entries Page

I've seen on other templates that you can make the title/h1 act as a URL to the entry. On my template, it's the date that acts as the permalink. I'd like for the h1 to also be a link on the entry's page, but can't figure out how to change that anywhere in the template, since both entries.html and entry.html just load the html content directly with the {{{html}}} variable. Am I missing something?

No Template Error

I have encountered an error message when editing my template from the dashboard: Error: No template. Maybe it's because the [template name] does not correspond with the url : https://blot.im/dashboard/[username]/template/edit/[url_template_name]/settings The error message is: Error: No template: blog_8b57c40dac8e47faad2563d4a69ff6c5:url_template_name. Also, I found out that editing the template name doesn't really change the url of the template, this might also be the reason why the error message pops up. My problem is if there is a way to directly delete the template from the dashboard (you've got edit, fork, use and preview), or if there is a way for me to access to the template. Now I could do nothing about this template(besides fork this template, which will fork another template that I don't have access to......), it just stays there in the template list, which is quite annoying.

Folder not showing up in Google Drive

So I've tried adding folders to my website, and it's not reflecting on my website. Even if I'm using it with tags or without tags. I'm using the Magazine template.

More on footer.html: Where to source it?

From the blog template I can see the footer gets not sourced magically, so it has to be sourced explicitly in each page template, e.g. in entries.html, right? Then the question is: Where to source it: Inside all <div>s (as I found in the blog template) or more outside, say, before the </html>? tag? I'm not a big web expert, but I read somewhere JS code should be sourced as late as possible in an HTML document... Thanks heaps for helping a template beginner!


Hello, I'm using the Portfolio template. How does the app decide how to sort folders (pages) and images (posts) in particular order? I even renamed all images in "01, 02, 03..." and they still appear in some strange order on the pages. Same goes for sorting pages in the nav menu... How can I choose the order? Thanks in advance!

Hide archive dates if no posts are displayed

Blot will skip months without posts in them. However, it will always display months with posts in them even if those posts have been hidden with ^tagged Is it possible to hide these empty months?

How to sort tags alphabetically?

I'm using the Magazine template and would like to sort the tags in the sidebar alphabetically. Is that possible?

New version of static page

I update my "about me" page a push new version into GIT, but on web I still see old version of the page. How can I force refresh this page to new version?

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