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Dates in post title result in a parsed publish date

Is it intentional that when a date is included in a title (without any other date metadata) that the post adopts that as the publish date? I noticed that when I put today's date in my h1 heading such as # Author Test Post 2022-10-11 it shows as published at 12:00am of that date. As opposed to # Another Test Post getting published at the correct date and time when it was synced to the dropbox folder. You can see an example here from my RSS client. If that is the intended behavior, is there a way to change it? I put dates in my titles sometimes, but would prefer for them to publish normally and not have to worry about them getting out of order on my site.

Markdown images and <figure> images rendered differently

I've been migrating all my posts from a Squarespace site, and am running into something strange. Images derived from the Markdown ![Image caption.](image_url.png) format follow the 100% width formatting defined in the template CSS. But images derived from a raw HTML <figure> tag do not follow the same formatting, and I can't figure out why. Is there something I need to change or add to the CSS file to have them rendered the same? Here's an example post where both formats are represented.

Markdown formatting in image captions

I've noticed that when adding captions using the Markdown syntax ![Caption goes here.](image_url.png) that I'm unable to use Markdown to format the caption. For example on this post, 'Ted Lasso' is supposed to be italicized and the '⌘' character in the caption is supposed to direct link to the full-size image, but it's not rendered that way. Is there a way to make the engine check for markdown formatting within that text caption area? Here's the raw text for that particular link: ![Black shirt with *Ted Lasso* character names in white text. [⌘](https://ik.imagekit.io/heydingus/afc-richmond-squad_N_fQ5BWYs)](https://ik.imagekit.io/heydingus/afc-richmond-squad_N_fQ5BWYs) (I have the 'Create a caption from the image’s alt text' option checked in settings.)

Change Archives URL

I would like to change the URL of the archive, but I can't find a way to do it. Instead of url/archives, I want the archive website to be accessible at url/blog. How can I change this?

More on footer.html: Where to source it?

From the blog template I can see the footer gets not sourced magically, so it has to be sourced explicitly in each page template, e.g. in entries.html, right? Then the question is: Where to source it: Inside all <div>s (as I found in the blog template) or more outside, say, before the </html>? tag? I'm not a big web expert, but I read somewhere JS code should be sourced as late as possible in an HTML document... Thanks heaps for helping a template beginner!


Hello, I'm using the Portfolio template. How does the app decide how to sort folders (pages) and images (posts) in particular order? I even renamed all images in "01, 02, 03..." and they still appear in some strange order on the pages. Same goes for sorting pages in the nav menu... How can I choose the order? Thanks in advance!

A bookmarklet to help with link blogging

How the tool works: navigate to a website, click the bookmarklet, enter your caption and recieve a text-file. For example, let's say you visit example.com and press the bookmarklet. You'll recieve a text file called Example.txt containing the following: [Example](http://example.com) Your caption here How to install this bookmarklet Make a new bookmark in your browser (right-click on the bookmarks bar and click Add Page...) For the "Name" you might put "Save link". Copy the code block below, paste this into the "URL" or "Location" of the new bookmark. javascript:(function () { var caption = window.prompt("Would you like to add a caption?"); if (caption === null) return; var textToSave = `[${document.title}](${window.location.href})\n\n${caption}`; var textToSaveAsBlob = new Blob([textToSave], { type: "text/plain" }); var textToSaveAsURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(textToSaveAsBlob); var fileNameToSaveAs = document.title + ".txt"; var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); downloadLink.download = fileNameToSaveAs; downloadLink.innerHTML = "Download File"; downloadLink.href = textToSaveAsURL; downloadLink.onclick = (e) => document.body.removeChild(e.target); downloadLink.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); downloadLink.click(); })();

Image posts won't delete

I've removed two images from my Google Drive folder but they still appear on my site: https://www.bookcraft.blog/. Any help?

Hide archive dates if no posts are displayed

Blot will skip months without posts in them. However, it will always display months with posts in them even if those posts have been hidden with ^tagged Is it possible to hide these empty months?

Is it possible to add a footnote on the Blog template?

I am using the [^Footnote] markdown notation, but it becomes literal text rather than a footnote.

Metadata in a markdown file

If I have something in my YAML front matter, can I display that in my post? This does not seem to work when placed in the markdown file. Date: September 15th, 2022blah: Apple {{metadata.blah}}

Image as site title

Is there a way to replace the site title on the top left with an image, and still have it link to the landing page? The site is lookingout.io

Default Blog Homepage Template Metadata failure?

Using the default blog template Metadata in my post works as expected eg. {{entry.metadata.title}} But when looking at the homepage, the title of the post is blank? Looks like it only fails with the blog template If I preview with all of the other templates it works

Menu: no - Excluded From Search?

Looks like pages with the tag "Menu: no" are excluded from the search results. Is there a way to tag them to be included in the results?

Phantom image blog post.

First of all, thanks so much for this wonderful tool, and your attentive service. I'm actually enjoying creating a site again. Second, on this page I have a phantom image blog post. I've deleted all instances of the image from my file structure, but the image nonetheless persists. Can you please help learn how to remove it? Cheers, Drew

Link metadata not following link format

For this post I've specified the metadata to be: --- Date: 2021-01-01 17:15 Link: the-2020-upgradies-upgrade-332 Tags: nerdery, podcasts, favorites Author: Jarrod Blundy --- but I want the permalink to follow the Link Format that I've specified in settings: /blog/{{YYYY}}/{{M}}/{{slug}} Is there a way to it to work like that? Did I set something wrong?

Author Metadata

Do posts automatically get an Author tag? I know you can specify Author in metadata, but I wondered if I should include that for each post or only the ones not written by me. Related, at least in my RSS reader app, regardless of whether I include Author in the metadata, it's getting parsed as the title of the post. See here for an example where I've highlighted where the Author of the post would typically be displayed.

New version of static page

I update my "about me" page a push new version into GIT, but on web I still see old version of the page. How can I force refresh this page to new version?

Can't remove post

Despite removing the file and ensuring it's gone from the Google Drive folder, I can't seem to get rid of a duplicate blog post. I've tried the "Fix your folder" option as well.

Add a Table of Content only on one page?

Is there a way to add a TOC only on one page, which is very long? I don't want to have it on all the pages.

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