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Custom heading IDs?

Does Blot support Markdown’s custom heading IDs? For example, using iA Writer it is possible to change the ID assigned to a heading when it's turned into HTML like so: ### This is a heading with a lot of text [short-id] You'll then be able to link to #short-id instead of the full heading title.

Is it possible to embed images via ![[wikilinks]]?

Hello, I couldn't find anything in my short trips through documentation and questions that mentioned embedding images with wikilinks. I've been experimenting a little in case it does exist, but I figure I should ask here: is this possible or at least a potential future feature? It would be a huge plus with the synergy between Blot and Obsidian.

Magazine theme - adding copyright notice to bottom of sidebar?

I'd like to add a copyright notice to the bottom of the sidebar in the Magazine theme. By "bottom" I mean the bottom of the viewport (regardless of screen - mobile, tablet, desktop). While I was poking around in the source code, I also saw this reference to a "top" button that should appear in the sidebar if the user scrolls the main content div below the height of the viewbox: <a id="top_button" style="position:absolute;bottom:0;width:3rem;height:3rem;line-height:3rem;" class="mb3 white bg-black-20 lh-title br-100 f3 db tc bn no-underline" href="#top">↑</a> As is, I could never trigger the button's appearance. But when I changed the "bottom:" value to anything but "0," the button did appear — and did function — as expected. I'd also be interested in moving this down to the bottom of the viewport. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Commento not showing up

Hi! I just signed up for Commento, added my URL (https://russbonchu.site) and checked off the box here in the services page, but it's not showing up. i also put their code snippet at the end of my post. Does it take some time?

Google Drive link broken?

Getting an error when I try to switch from Dropbox to Google Drive. ":( Error"

What is the best way to host video?

Image files render directly in blot, but not so videos (eg. mp4). It the ideal solution to host videos on a 3rd party site and then embed them?

Making wide images

Just curious as to how you insert an image (stand alone or in a. blog post) that renders as a wide image as in the example in the video? Can this be done in markdown or html so the image extends beyond the edge of the text column ? Thanks in advance!

Figure tags?

It looks like an image tag, ![](), generates <p>...<img ...>...</p>. I assume this is a fixed thing, or is there a way to generate <figure><img ...><figcaption>...</figcaption></figure> ?

What files are expected in a template?

As the title says, I've looked at some of the templates but they have different number of files and I didn't see anything about this in the documentation (but I'm sure that I've missed something).

Not last in the menu list?

I'm new to writing templates and I want to create a menu like this item1 - item2 - item3 - item4 My problem is that only want the '-' between the items. With the help of 'last' I can write something like this {{#menu}} <a href="{{url}}" title="{{label}}">{{label}}</a> - {{#last}} <a href="{{url}}" title="{{label}}">{{label}}</a> {{/last}} {{/menu}} Which of course results in two 'item4'. What I haven't figured out is how to match 'this items isn't the last item'. Can anyone tell me how to do this

How to install a third-party script on a template?

Can you give an example of how to add a javascript library to a site?

Diagrams with mermaid?

Are diagrams supported? If not is there a way to get them to work? Here is an example.

A way to ignore markdown processing

Is there a way to flag a section of markdown to not be processed by blot? For example, let's I wanted to include a section of pure HTML inside the markdown, so it might look like this: regular markdown <div class="do-not-process"> Line </div> more regular markdown As it is currently, blot will process the following and spit out: <p>regular markdown</p> <div class="do-not-process"> <p>Line</p> </div> <p>more regular markdown</p> The extra <p> inside the div is causing problems for the mermaid diagram tool. It looks for a div with the class of mermaid, and inside that div does not expect any <p> tags. When it encounters them, it throws a syntax error. A workaround right now is uploading pages as HTML files but that isn't a desired workflow. Thanks!

Does Google Drive apply traffic limits?

I noticed on Blot's own about page the following text - "Dropbox’s traffic limits do not apply because Blot hosts the contents of your folder on its own server." Guessing the same applies when syncing with Google Drive and that there are no traffic limits to worry about?

Parse markdown in metadata teaser?

I've modified the blog template to suit my needs, which includes changes to the entries.html template so that teasers are shown in the "just_titles" branch (should rename it soon, I guess). Now I've noticed that {{teaser}} is taken from my entry metadata as desired but that markdown formatting in it isn't parsed. Is there a way to achieve that?

Include data with partial

How would I implement something like this on Blot, using a partial as a template?

Archives for specific tags or metadata

I'd like to generate archives for a specific tag (i.e. memories for which archives would be perfect because of calendaring). Since {{#tagged.memories}} only seems to work inside {{entries}} in the example below (it generates empty headers for months without tagged entries), is there another way to tweak this to make it so? Or at least hide the empty months, years, etc. that show up? Thanks! Ray {{#archives}} <h2>{{year}}</h2> {{#months}} <h3>{{month}}</h3> {{#entries}} <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a> {{/entries}} {{/months}}

Access denied when cloning Git

Maybe there is a conflict with my local git but somehow when cloning with GitKraken I got an Unexpected EOF error which doesn't make much sense because I don't think I have any control over whatever git config Blot is using. Then when using the CLI I get 'fatal could not read remote repository make sure you have the correct access rights', Granted I changed urls a couple times. Maybe that's it? Anyway, Dave can you help out?

Sidenotes instead of footnotes

Is there any way to make footnotes appear at the side of where they're being referenced instead of at the bottom of the post?

Help with webmentions?

I found the earlier answers on making webmentions work so I forked and am using the blot template. Added in the requirements that Amit and the other person posted but I cannot seem to get webmentions working. I think since 2018 some things have changed perhaps. Has anyone gotten webmentions working on blot blogs after 2018? I am just using a blot.im domain at this point. If you have gotten webmentions working with a blot theme, please tell me how you did the work. thanks!

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