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Can I organize nested tags then scheduled/published date with folder structure?

Like [Main Tag] [Sub Tag] 2023 > 09 > 20 > My Scheduled Blog Post with Folder Tags.md ?

Displaying the number of items

Is there a way to display the number of posts in a tagged article list or the archive? Something like “Archive (182)” and “Tagged ‘news’ (34)”? Thanks!

Is there a way to get first few posts with a certain tag?

I would like to customize my template so the home page has a couple sections that show the first 3 posts of a couple different tags. So far I have {{#all_entries}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{title}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{/all_entries}} But I'm not sure if I'm able to limit all_entries or access certain elements of the array with Mustache. Also, is there a way to combine inverted sections? Like if I want to filter out multiple tags from all_entries?

Adding custom pages for specific kinds of entries

I'm currently using the diary template and would like to make a few adjustments to the structure of the website. Filtering content on certain pages Right now, all the posts (or entries) appear in the home page. I'd like to create a kind metadata for each entry with either blog or work as possible values. So that only the entries with kind = work would appear on the home page, and the entries with kind = blog would be on a dedicated page called (drumroll...) "Blog". Note that I don't want to use the tags to achieve this result. Entries in blog and work could share some common tags. Hence the need for an additional kind metadata. Different page rendering depending on the kind of entry Last but not least, I was wondering if there was an easy way to differentiate the layout of each entry page. For instance, all kind = blog entries could have a dark background or a "Subscribe to newsletter" button at the bottom. Things like that.

Featured Sticky Posts are paginated?

I love the ability to feature posts and make them sticky through custom metadata which I've added to my template e.g. Sticky: yes Rest of post here... However, one issue I've found is that pagination unsticks the posts. As soon as they have gone off of the front page, they are no longer sticky. Is there any way to change this? Thanks!

Adding a footer to the magazine template?

I've modified the Magazine template to add a footer. When I click on a category, and click on all section on the top right, and scroll down, the part where I've footer copyright policy etc, isn't aligned like the rest of the pages. How do I fix that?

Ordering photos

I'm fine with the chronological order of photos in the general feed, but I have a few tagged portfolios that I would like to display in a fixed order. I know date/time labeling them in the filename will do this, but then that date/time is displayed on screen. Is there a way to order them whilst hiding the date and maintaining a caption, which will also be in the filename? I tried using nested dated folders, which I guess works although they need to be numbered in reverse to display in the correct order.

How do I work with external contractors?

I'd like an external contractor to update the templates and CSS of my site to provide a new design that is beyond my capabilities to implement. How do I work with them? My ideal would be to have a locally hosted version of my site that I could collaborate with the contractor via github and PRs. Is that an option? Or something like it? I don't want to just give them the password to my Blot account and let them go to town.

Can I add this Hypothesis JS embed?

Dear friends who know more about JavaScript than me, do you think I can do this on my Blot site without a) breaking things; b) taxing Blot in some burdensome way?

Tags with accents disappearing

It's been two months since I noticed that some of my tags kept disappearing from my tags list. I found that I could make them come back by just changing the folder name (I use folders with brackets to create my tags). At first I thought the tags that were disappearing were random, but recently I concluded that they were always the same and what they have in common is that they are all graphic accentuated words (words with graphic marks such as á ó ê): [Diários de viagem], [Memórias em fotos] and [Séries]. I'm from Brazil so I always use a lot of graphic marks in words since I write in Portuguese. Has anyone experienced something like this and know how I can solve this problem?

How do I get links to point to a folder?

I'd like to use the links to point to the contents of a folder. So if they click "NPCs" the resulting page will be all the NPCs in my NPC folder (in my synced google drive folder). Is that possible? If so, how? I can't seem to figure it out.

Is there a way to use frontend JS frameworks?

I've already tried implementing javascript into my blog posts which works perfectly, but I'm curious if there's a way to also use frameworks so that we don't need to write vanilla JS all the time. Specifically I'm thinking of things like React, Svelte, or MDX. My use case is that sometimes I like having interactive components within my blog posts that may take an input from earlier up in the post and cascade the changes throughout the other components in the post.

Blot was down… and I’m sorry!

The server was caught in a deathloop, failing to restart properly. this meant that everything that wasn't cached failed to load. The issue is now resolved. I'm extremely sorry, and i will properly get to your emails when i return on Monday. I'm on vacation, which I hope explains but does not excuse the delay

How to prevent filename.org from hyperlinking?

Lots of times I write about org-mode and want to mention .org filenames, but if I write filename.org in a Markdown post, that filename will turn into a hyperlink, which I want to prevent. I found someone on Stack Overflow asking a similar question, and the workaround is to use a non-breaking zero-width space, like in the attached image, where I wrapped it in a code tag to get it monospaced. It does work with Blot, but is that the best way? Thanks! (Oops. I forgot to attach an image and now I don’t think I can.)

Referencing files from one Blot site on another

I have a Blot site that operates my blog on a custom apex domain, and a second Blot site for photos at a subdomain of the same address. (This is because I have a fork of the Blog theme for the former, but prefer the Portfolio theme for the latter.) If I sometimes want to include photographs inline on the blog, is it OK to reference the files at their URLs on the subdomain? If that’s going to cross wires for Blot, I’ll upload a second copy to the blog’s folder.

Problems with date stamps?

I notice that the Date: metadata isn't taking effect now; it used to be that I could upload a post with a future date or time, and it would go live at that time, but now they show up at the time they get uploaded as long as the Draft flag isn't set. Did something change?

Remove the underline from the links in the Diary template?

I've put text-decoration: none in most places where the anchor "a" is defined in the style.css file of the Diary template; but it still won't go away. What should I change to make a global change such that none of the hyperlinks are underlined?

LinkedIn unable to generate preview

I'm trying to link to a new blog post in a post on LinkedIn. For some reason, LinkedIn is saying it can't generate the preview. I've checked the blog post in LinkedIn Post Inspector to get specific details but it's just saying 'We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.' I checked with a post that has previously previewed fine in LinkedIn and that is also coming up with the error now, so I'm thinking something might have changed with the server rather than it being specific to the post I'm linking to.

How to render raw moustache?

Let's say I want to embed some moustache code into a blog post, how do I do that? If I enter: <h1>{{ title }}</h1> The output on the frontend us just: <h1></h1> This is because Blot is trying to render the tag. I've tried changing the brackets to the unicode equivalent, but that didn't work. When I used Jekyll, I could wrap the code blocks in {{ raw }} to tell Jekyll not to try and render those elements. Does mustache have anything similar? I can't find anything in their docs.

Why is the time always wrong on every post?

Why is the time always wrong on every post? I have it set to Europe/London in the settings, but if I enable this in the theme on the post, it always displays the wrong time constantly.

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