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Hide scheduled posts from inbound links?

I have scheduled two posts in advance, "Part 1" today and "Part 2" next week. At the bottom of Part 1 though, it shows "links to this post," including (necessarily, currently only) "Part 2," even though this link is broken because it won't be shared until next week. Is there a way to hide this?

Dropbox free account

I currently have a paid Dropbox account. But I am considering switching to an alternate service (probably iCloud). I remember reading somewhere – on the Blot website I think, but can no longer find it – that with recent changes in Dropbox plans, free Dropbox accounts will no longer sync with services like Blot in the same way paid Dropbox accounts do. Will my Blot website be affected if I switch to a free Dropbox account? Also, do you have any future plans to sync with iCloud or other services like Google Drive?

Site-wide custom metadata?

Is there currently a way to replicate Jekyll style site-wide metadata? I am trying to use Blot for my teaching materials and there are several bits of information (deadlines for papers etc) that need to appear in several different entries; being able to define them in a single (yaml/json?) data file and include them in the entry as, for example {{site.metadata.deadline1}} would be really useful. Thanks!

Getting a full export?

How do I get a full export of my data? When I try to export I only get an "accounts.json" file and that's it. Cheers!

Adding Arabic support?

I plan to use Blot to blog in Arabic – do you forsee any problems in using Arabic letters in the text files to be uploaded? I will develop a new template that supports and renders Arabic correctly. I have a good knowledge with HTML/CSS, and the documentations for theme development will help me.

Remove website title from browser tab on specific pages?

Is it possible to remove my website title from the browser tab, just on the homepage? I'd just like it to say "Home" without it being followed by the name of my website. Thanks!

Title and Link of most recent blog-post

How would I go about displaying the Title and Link to my most recent blog-post on the Landing page? Thank you

Center display equations rather than left-aligned?

I would like for display formulas to float at the centre of the column, rather than stick to the left. Is there an easy fix for this?

Adding a membership site?

Is there a way to add a members-only paywall for a Blot blog? Thanks! Hani

Prevent hyphenated titles?

I’m using the Magazine template but many of my titles now appear with hyphenated words on the main page. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Thanks in advance

Not able to delete a post

I created a post and now it is not getting removed from my blog even though the file has been deleted. I had initially connected by Google Drive. I have now connected it to Dropbox. But it is still the same problem. How do I delete the post? Interestingly, this post was created for one of my blogs. It somehow is being duplicated to my second blog, where it was never there as a file.

Ghost Post

I'm looking for help with a ghost post. An old post continues to appear on my blog even though the .txt file is no longer in my google drive folder. I cannot figure out a way of removing it. All help is welcome !

Blog Post Showing Up Twice

I use Google Drive to sync to my blog. I added a file to the folder, then moved it to a tagged folder, and now the post is showing up twice on my blog, despite having deleted any duplicate files and reloading my Drive and my blog. The "Fix Your Folder" option is not working, and the post is showing up twice in my Archives as well. Also, as an aside, old tags that I have removed from posts are still showing up in my Archives. Help!

Avoid images on homepage

I'm new to all this and palying around a bit. I use Obsidian as MD editor and am publishing my first post. When I write my post I want to add an image to it. That image is in the same folder as the post. Now when Blot picks things up it shows both the image and the blog post on the homepage. Can I avoid that? What is your folder strategy when working with images??

Notifications for question answers?

I'm a big fan of this Questions section of Blot since it lets me try to find solutions to problems on my own before reaching out to the contact email or asking a new question. However, it's hard to keep track of questions and when they are answered. Right now, I make a task to follow up on the question's URL and then periodically try to run back down the list to see if anything's changed. Would you consider adding a 'notify me' feature that sends an email or something when a particular question gets a new answer? Ideally, I could "subscribe" to any question, even if I hadn't asked it, since there are topics others have brought up that I'm eager to learn more about. I guess I'm thinking of something like Discourse, which I've seen other places use, but maybe you don't want to go down that route.

Permalink on entry title instead of date

Is there a fairly straightforward way to set the permalink to the entry title rather than the date that is displayed for that entry from the entries list?

The "fix your folder" link isn't working and the syncing is not happening

Any idea to why that is happening? I've been away from my blot recently, but started using again and am noticing that 1) the reset button doesn't work, 2) the sync is not happening (or seems stuck) and 3) i'm not allowed to choose the folder on google drive anymore?

CSS tweaks to logo/website name

Hi! Loving Blot and delighted to be moving towards it as my main platform. I've just been doing some minor tweaks to the Diary template - increasing the size of the text in the navigation bar with a slight adjustment to opacity. (Also tweaked the blockquote right margin font size which was a bit teeny for my feeble eyes.) I'd quite like to increase the size of the website name (and is it possible to add a small logo/image alongside the name?) as it is currently just a little smaller than H1 text. Any help appreciated - though I will understand if you re-direct me towards a developer as we're getting into custom template territory.

API issue with Dropbox

people elsewhere are reporting an issue with dropbox API which prevents syncing Bad input to API call Error in call to API function "files/ get_metadata": Unknown API function: / 2/files/get_metadata Path: /data see here : https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Dropbox-API-Support-Feedback/API-function-get-metadata-started-to-fail/td-p/638921

Helper functions documentation?

I see there is a {{#is}} used in the entries.html for the blog template. Is there a list of these "helper" functions somewhere?

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