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Previously scheduled post still shows on the dashboard?

Below is a screenshot of my Dashboard Posts page showing a phantom post (the first one). The post was previously scheduled, but I moved it to drafts to work on it more. It was never published and it isn't in dropbox as you can see on the left of the below screenshot.

10 months ago, 2 replies   bug   Edit question

Suddenly today that post showed up on the home page despite still not being in my dropbox folder.

I tried to do the reset and build dropbox tools that I found in the dashboard, and they said they did their thing but the ghost post remained both in posts and published.

So I downloaded the .md file from the Posts section in the dashboard put it in dropbox and made it a draft and that seems to have hidden it. Now I'm just afraid to remove it again 🤷‍♂️

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

Sorry about this – I reset your site once more.

Can you verify the contents of Dropbox > Apps > Blot on Dropbox.com match or do not match what appears on Blot?

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer