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Change to directory name in Dropbox > Apps behind the scenes?

Is anyone else seeing that the directory in Dropbox > Apps is no longer named Blot, but is now named with the site name? I don't know when this changed, but could cause some issues for hard-coded scripts if folks have any of those.

My dashboard still shows the following, but this could just be a bad artifact from the change. I don't mind it, personally, but thought I'd ask and surface the change here in case it caused any breakage for users:

Dropbox > Apps > Blot

a year ago, 2 replies   dropbox   sync   Edit question

As far as I know, it's not technically possible for Blot to have performed this rename since Blot's API permissions only grant us access to the contents of the Dropbox > Apps > Blot folder. Are you certain you didn't rename this folder yourself?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Original poster here... After seeing the response to this, I tried to retrace my steps and I believe I did perform the rename, but without intention. I had the Blot folder in the sidebar of Finder in macOS and renamed that reference, which I didn't recall actually renames the directory vs. just the sidebar reference (inconsistent behavior across other apps and systems).

Blot did not do this rename, however, I'm both surprised and impressed that it didn't break it. The dashboard reference showing the directory as "Blot" vs. "Tangible Life" may be a confusing artifact, but I'm certainly glad it handled it gracefully.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

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