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How to insert an image?

I am learning Markdown and today I tried to add an image but it went pear shaped. I looked up the basic code for adding image but I cannot get it to work. It will be a local image on my drive.

3 years ago, 2 replies   markdown   Improve this question

Here is how to embed an image in a markdown post.

  1. Put the image in the same folder as the post's file.
  2. Copy the name of the image. Let's say it's called _picture.jpg
  3. Thirdly, insert the markdown required to embed an image into the post, on its own line:
![Description here](_picture.jpg)

Replace Description here with your own brief description. And _picture.jpg with the name of the image file.

Answered 3 years ago · Improve this answer

Thanks but the image doesn't load in your description.

Answered 3 years ago · Improve this answer