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questions tagged ‘Analytics’

Analytics not working?

Analytics tracking doesn't seem to work? I tried selecting Heap and entering the ID and full script but neither work?

Plausible analytics?

Hey there, I'm trying to install Plausible. I've selected it in my dashboard but I can't see where to enter the script Plausible gives me. <script defer data-domain="blink.blot.im" src="https://plausible.io/js/script.js"></script> Can you help me please? Thanks.

Analytics proxy?

Would it be possible for Blot to automate setting up a proxy for analytics script (as a safe-guard for add-blockers)? Or better yet, maybe some in-house analytics are in the workings? I currently use Umami as a simple privacy-focused self-hosted and cloud analytics and I keep wondering why wouldn't they just license the script to the third-parties like Blot to run along smoothly with the web-server itself.

Which ID to use for Clicky?

Upon enabling Clicky tracking on the services page, I'm prompted for a Tracking ID. Clicky provides me with a Website-ID (which seems to be embedded in HTML tracking codes), a site key and an admin site key. Neither of them seems to be working, as Clicky does not count any visits. What can I do to fix this?

Number of RSS Subscribers?

Is there any way to know how many people have subscribed to my site’s RSS feed?