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Analytics not working?

Analytics tracking doesn't seem to work? I tried selecting Heap and entering the ID and full script but neither work?

4 months ago, 4 replies   analytics   developers   Edit question

Would you mind sending us a link to your site with the broken Heap integration? I'll take a look

Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer

Sure, thank you...


Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer

This isn't working because you have removed the JavaScript from your template which embeds the Heap tracking code – if you add back in a script tag which contains the template variable {{{appJS}}} then the JS required by Heap will be injected into your site automatically. You can see what this looks like in the blog template's script.js file.

Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer

I should add some kind of warning when your template does not use the variable {{{appJS}}}...

Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer