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Backlinks don't seem to work in Magazine template?

I'm trying to replace latest links in entry.html to backlinks, i.e.:

  <a href="{{{url}}}" class=" dim no-underline db pv2 bt b--black-10" style="position:relative">
    <span class="w-10 fr db" style="background: no-repeat url({{thumbnail.medium.url}}) 0 0 / cover">
      <span class=" db" style="height:0;padding-bottom:100%;overflow:hidden">
    <span class="fl w-80 db black-80 flex" style="display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;"><span >{{title}}</span></span>
    <span class="cf"></span>

I replaced {{#recent_entries}} with {{#backlinks}} in above but nothing shows.

I can confirm backlinks code works fine on blog template.

Can you help sort this? This is on my "commons" blot account. I have templates disabled when I'm not hacking away on it to keep bots/folks from browsing it so you'll want to enable it and set use template to Copy of Magazine.

(For some reason whenever I disable templates and turn it back on it always defaults to blog template so I have to switch it to magazine each time. Could be a bug?)

For an example blog page with backlinks look for the "snippets" one.

a year ago, 3 replies   developers   Edit question

Is your use of {{#backlinks}}.{{/backlinks}} inside the {{#entry}}...{{/entry}} block? recentEntries is a top-level property, backlinks are a property of an entry. If not, try this instead:

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

That did the trick, yay!

In addition, I vaguely remember asking here about having backlinks work on pages. I think it was something you might do or no?

Thanks, Ray

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Backlinks should work on pages! If they're not, that'll be a bug – please share a link to a page without backlinks working as expected either here or over email

Answered a year ago · Edit answer