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How would I include the page summary in the post body?

So I always create a summary for every post, this is within the front matter of each post and is used for the description with the HTML meta.

I also use this summary as a line of intro text for every post. At the moment, I copy/paste the summary into the body of the post, but it would be nice if this was rendered automatically at build.

I've tried including {{{summary}}} in the body, but it doesn't render.

How would I get the summary to render in my posts?

a year ago, 3 replies   metadata   developers   Edit question

I don’t know, but maybe the Teaser parameter would work for you.

Teaser: Defaults to the first few paragraphs of the post. You can specify a teaser in the file’s metadata or insert the breakpoint {{more}} yourself. You can specify the end of the teaser using the {{more}} tag somewhere in the file. Everything above the {{more}} tag, including this line, will be in the post’s teaser

If it has to be a “summary” specifically, maybe there’s a way to reference the teaser as the summary in your front matter. Something like this?

Summary: {{teaser}}


Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

You'll want to modify your template, and replace the usage of the {{{html}}} tag in both entries.html and entry.html with the following:


If your post looks like this:

Summary: Your summary here

# Title

The first sentence.

The resulting HTML generated by your template should be:

<p>Your summary here</p>
<p>The first sentence.</p>

Does that make sense? Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

That does make sense, thanks. I'll just need to go back and delete the first sentence on all my posts now. 😳

Answered a year ago · Edit answer