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Solution to Light / Dark Mode for the Blog Template

Is there an existing solution to adding a toggle switch or using device settings for light / dark mode? I'm using the Blog template. Thank you.

Modal Window for video and audio?

Is there a baked in modal window I can access for video and audio presentation? Kinda like how images are presented.

Is there a size limit for Blot's git repos?

Just wondering if there's a maximum total size or a maximum filesize. Now that Blot supports wikilinking I'm thinking about making my site quite a bit bigger...

Different themes for different devices.

Is it possible to use portfolio theme on web and magazine theme for mobile in parallel? If so, how?

{{#unless page}} not working?

Hi, I am trying to render some elements in an entry.html template only if it is a post but not a page. To do so, I have: {{#unless page}} <div id="TOC"> {{> toc}} </div> {{/unless}} so that I can only load a table of contents on appropriate pages. However, this seems to not work. On all views, whether page or post, this seems to still load the toc. What is happening? What might I be doing wrong?

Recover links to blog and archive pages?

When creating my blog, I deleted the links on the links page to the Archive page and Blog page. Is it possible to re-create them? When I simply add those same links again, they don't reappear.

Expired certificate for previews

Not so much a question as an observation. It looks like the certificate for the preview domain has expired, so blog previews are not working.

Self-hosted version of Blot?

As a huge Blot fan I truly cannot consider any alternative for any reason. But when it comes to managing your own server, I was wondering if there'll be a version of Blot that can be self-hosted one day?

No such remote 'origin'

I have initialized an empty repository with a first commit and a few files, but when following the instructions for adding an existing repository here, I get error: No such remote 'origin' Have I missed a step?

Hiding the date when creating a new home page with the Magazine theme

I see that it is possible in this example site but I can't figure out how to do it. Do I just have to delete some part of the HTML?

Hide tags

I'm new to Blot, tried searching through Questions but didn't see anything that answered this question exactly. Is there a way to hide tags from showing on the left side of the Magazine theme?

New thumbnails for posts not generating/showing up

Hi there! The thumbnail generated for each of my posts was working until about March, such as this post, and then stopped working. Newer posts don't seem to be generating a thumbnail, and when I try to manually add the Thumbnail: to the metadata at the beginning of posts, neither URLs nor paths to files work. I'm using the Magazine template, but I tried other templates and similarly they don't show any thumbnails for newer posts. Is there still a way to re-generate thumbnails for posts? I found a previous question about this, but the link doesn't work anymore. This isn't a big issue, but the homepage looks much more engaging with images! Thank you. :)

Djot support?

I recently learned about Djot which is derived heavily from CommonMark but has more features and is generally like a stricter Markdown. It's by John MacFarlane who is also behind Pandoc so the conversion is well-supported would look something like this: djot -t pandoc mydoc.dj | pandoc -f json -s -t gfm -o mydoc.md I'm incredibly interested in trying this out for authoring my blog content.

Showing Thumbnails in a Markdown file or altering margins of docx file?

I am using the Reference template and saving Bear Notes files as Markdown. When I do this, it works properly, except on the site's front page, where the thumbnail would be, it's just text rendered in a box. When I click on it, it loads the proper page and shows me all the text and images properly formatted. But is there a way to have the image appear on the front page? When I export the exact same file from Bear Notes as DocX, the thumbnail DOES appear, but then the text margins are as wide as the browser, rather than the width of the image. So, I guess I'm asking if there's a way to make the thumbnail appear on a MD file or, if not, limit the margins of the DOCX file to the same width as the image? You can see samples here: https://jazznotjazz.blot.im/ The thumbnail one is DOCX and the blank square is MD. Clicking thru they display different. Would like the thumbnail-ness of the docx with the layout of the MD. In case I add more posts while trying to figure it out, this question is referring to the two posts at the bottom of the front page. One is labeled docx - hank mobley... and the other is beside it. Thank you!

Anyone else having issues pushing to git?

Been trying to publish a new post and image for about a day. Git is failing with a gateway timeout: % git push Enumerating objects: 9, done. Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done. error: RPC failed; HTTP 504 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 504 send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 1.22 MiB | 20.00 KiB/s, done. Total 6 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly Everything up-to-date Anyone else seeing this?

Archive link deleted

I've deleted the archive option from the link's list and the button to add link it's not working to put it back.

It says that i need to reconnect to google, but when i try i get an error message? What to do?

THe message i get is this: "This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access."

Is there a way to remove redirect notices for every link within a post?

It's pretty annoying to have a redirect notice for every link I mention in a post, is there a way to link while circumventing the notice? edit: I think I solved my own problem by removing https:// from each link.

Error - Could not process your request

One of my sites has become completely inaccessible for managing via Blot's interface and shows 'Nothing published yet.' when visiting the site in a browser. What's going on?

Multi-line YAML front matter

Does Blot support multi-line values for YAML frontmatter? no matter what format I try, whenever I call it via a template, it seems to break the page layout, even if the YAML is valid. Conversely, if i switch to Blot style metadata, everything works as expected. To illustrate, this Blot style metadata works fine: longtext: this is a multi line but this YAML Frontmatter does not: --- longtext: |- here is a multi line --- the YAML metadata is rendered as: here is a multi line –> and the raw HTML is: <p>here</p> is a multi line –&gt; i also can't seem to figure out what is causing the –> to be rendered. so it seems like the newline characters are being rendered, but not wrapped in <p> tags (as i would expect, and how the Blot style metadata seems to handle it.