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Using an A record for my domain?

I’m attempting to set up my Blot blog with my domain but my DNS provider doesn’t allow for ALIAS records to be set. I ended up just setting up an A record that points to Blot’s direct IP address. Would you anticipate this ever causing any issues?

Metadata in markdown links?

Just wondering if there is any way to use metadata tags in markdown links? At the moment this markdown: ![caption]({{url}}_images/picture.jpg)` Becomes, this HTML: <img src="/%7B%7Burl%7D%7D_images/picture.jpg" alt="caption"> The brackets just get encoded. Can this be avoided? Or should I just use HTML to start with?

Nested tags structure in nav bar

Looking for a way to show the nested tags structure in the nav bar. For example Folder structure being: [Tag A] [Tag B] [Tag C] [Tag D] I would want to have the same indentation and hierarchy in the nav bar, and ideally being apple to collapse and uncollapse them would be great. Is there a way to do this with the current templates?

Obsidian and GitHub

Hey, I believe I've seen some folks talking about using Obsidian and GitHub to power their Blot posts. However, I can't find the ability to search through questions in the new blot web interface. I feel like I'm just missing something. I am already using git for sync. When I added a GitHub repo as a remote, all of the content transferred to my repo, but now none of my new posts that I push get to my initial Blot git repo and the posts don't show up. If anyone has thoughts on setting up GitHub with Micro.blog, or a way to search the content of the questions, that would be much appreciated.

Can't nest folders?

I joined Blot tonight and I'm trying to make things work, but it seems you can't nest folders? So if I have: pages/dogs/index.md pages/dogs/labrador.md pages/dogs/corgi.md pages/dogs/hound.md Then at the top, my menu now contains: Dogs, Labrador, Corgi, Hound. I just want the menu to contain Dogs, and then go to dogs/index.md, and then I'll link to the other pages separately. But it seems that nesting does nothing, that every single page you create will show up in the menu bar automatically?

Two blogs on Dropbox

Hi. I’d like to set up a second blog I think. I use 2tb on Dropbox do plenty of room. Can the second blog have its own custom domain? What is best way to set up folders? I have the blot folder with three folders on inside. Is there a basic convention or howto for this? Thanks!

Link to a PDF in the same folder as a post?

Is there a way to link a pdf file located in the same folder of parent note? Because at the moment I can link only pdf in the root 'Files' folder

Specifying time in image posts?

When directly posting an image to Blot using the YEAR-MONTH-DAY File Name format, the time is always set to 12:00am. I wish to upload several images over several posts but in a particular order. Is there a method of naming an image file to specify a time (Say, 12:01, 12:02, etc) in order to achieve this?

Full entry on home page of Magazine template?

This might be quite basic but I can’t work it out. Please can you advise me how I can show the full entry of blog posts on the home page using the Magazine template, instead of the summaries? Ideally the pagination would still work the same using the 'posts per page' setting – I just want to display the full entries for the posts. I know I could use the blog template for this but I prefer the layout of the Magazine template apart from this one thing.

Log File Analytics

I would like to use Analytics to see how many people read my blog. (Probably only my mum :)) But I do not want to give google my log files 'for free'. I would rather just analyze the log files on my own with a service like goaccess.io. is there a way to access the Log files?

Issue on mobile for Photos template

The second half of my photos on the photos template site doesn't load on the mobile version. Any suggestions for how to fix this?

Jupyter Notebook .ipynb support?

I am a data analyst. I primarily work and document using Jupyter Notebook. I am looking for a blogging platform where I can drag and drop a .ipynb file, and it renders into a blog post. Can it be done with blot?

Links being made without a pages folder?

Random links are being made for images that should just be on the homepage. Any suggestions about what could be happening?

Font customization options?

I remember at some point we can customize our fonts and such things. Are these features not available anymore? Thank you for your support

Disable right-click downloading of images on my blog?

Is there a way to disable right-click downloading of images on my page? I would like to make image piracy just a tiny bit harder

Google Search Console cannot fetch my Sitemap?

I checked mysitename.xyz/sitemap.xml is indeed an xml file. I gave that to GSC, but even after a few days, it says Status: Couldn't fetch. What could be the reason? Maybe the site is too small? or maybe it's got to do with the notice that I see when I open the sitemap in my browser: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Why is there no pages folder?

There is no pages folder in my Google Drive that connects to my links on the website. How do I go about adding that so I can add content to the various links. Can each link have a different template?

What does it mean to 'fork' a template?

On the templates page of the dashboard – what does 'fork' mean under each template?

Embedded tweets hang (slightly) in the left margin

I just published a post with a couple of embedded tweets, and they hang just a little bit left of where the body text is aligned. I've tested this with both the tweet's URL and Twitter-provided embed code, but the result is the same. Does anyone have a solution for how I can force the embed either to stay in line with the body text, or else to align centrally on the page? Thanks.

Alt Text for Images

I'm trying to make sure my site is ADA compliant. I have added "alt" text in my image embeds using markup but my site template isn't picking them up in every location that the image is shown. What do I need to add to my template to add them? Thanks!

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