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Update article ‘slug’ but keep location otherwise?

Is there a way to update just the slug of a post without interrupting the other parts of the URL formatting?

E.g. if my post has the URL domain.tld/2021/02/17/really-really-long-slug and I want to change it to domain.tld/2021/02/17/short-slug, is there a way to do that without just changing the post title?

From the looks of it, using the Link: metadata replaces all of the URL structure, which makes sense but isn’t what I’m after.

3 years ago, 1 replies   Edit question

Updating just the slug part of the URL isn't yet possible but this seems like a very reasonable thing to want to do.

I will make this happen and post a follow-up reply here once it's deployed. Please do send an email if you would like a notification when it's ready.

Answered 3 years ago · Edit answer