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Embedding the file's updated date?

Is there something I could put into the markdown of an entry to get the Updated date for that entry? I know I could maintain a date in the metadata, but I was wonder if there is some tag or whatever I could use to have that date automatically set with the last save date of the markdown file.

Does Blot supports heavy amounts of traffic?

Hi! Wondering if Blot works fine if a site is expected to receive a heavy amount of traffic

How to avoid showing the hamburger?

Hi! I'm using the Photo template, how can I avoid showing the menu nav hidden under the hamburger on mobile? And keep showing the links as I don't have too many. Thanks!

Thumbnails not working on Google Drive?

I upload images in Google Drive but instead of the thumbnail to appear in Photo template, it appears a number "1"

Template Sharing URL change?

If I share my current active template, does the URL break if I make additional changes to the template after the Share is initiated?

Change the number of posts on the blog page?

Is it possible to adjust the number of posts to show on the blog posts page? For example, I want to show a link to "Older" posts less often.

How to display the day of publication?

I have a template that presents entries by month and in that {{month}} {{year}} metadata works. But for each blog entry I want to include the day the blog was published. So if it was publised on the 20/4/2024 then just 20 would be returned. {{day}} would seem the logical construct but it does not work. I also can't find in the documentation where it says {{month}} & {{year}} are up to be used - if I could find that list, hopefully it might shed more light on all this. Thanks as ever.

Specific Tag Views?

Is there a way to creat specific views that the blog engine will access when a visitor goes to a /tagged/keyword url? Example. I’d love to be able to make a tagged-photos.html view with specific markup and have the blog engine know to load this when someone goes to the /tagged/photos url. If a tag specific view does not exist, the default tagged.html would be used. I know I can make a view, filter it on a specific tag, and then bind that view to a specific short url /photos through the json file, but I’m wondering if there’s a more fluid/less clunky way.

Custom meta in feed.rss?

I've added custom meta to feed.rss without an issue before, but my recent attempt isn't working quite right. {{#metadata}} <figure> <figcaption>Listen:</figcaption> <audio controls src="{{audio}}"></audio> <a href="{{audio}}">Download audio</a> </figure> {{/metadata}} Where {{audio}} = the MP3's URL. The audio player is showing in the feed even when posts do not have {{audio}} custom meta data. Any suggestions?

RSS feeds per tag?

Apologies if it's been asked but are there (or can there be?) dedicated RSS feeds per tag? It would be nice to have these split out to triage posts out to different services automatically.

Compatibility with Dropbox macOS File Provider changes?

I've been getting prompted for weeks/months to apply an update/upgrade on my macOS Dropbox install: https://help.dropbox.com/installs/macos-support-for-expected-changes Among other things, it changes the Dropbox location to ~/Library/CloudStorage which will surely break some local tooling I have and can probably be resolved by symlinking it back to ~/Dropbox. Are there any other concerns with applying this update other than the logical place all the files live?

Pages now showing up as Posts and in RSS feed?

I have a directory with in Pages with no tags set in the YAML for my newsletter. I've never had a newsletter show up in the RSS feed before, but today the latest one suddenly did. Are Pages supposed to show up in the RSS feed, or was this a bug? I can add a tag to prevent the behavior in the future, but wanted to know before adding something unnecessarily.

Date format not being respected

I've noticed that the date format I've set in 'Analytics, comments, typography > Date and time' is not being respected. I have it set to 'Day-Month-Year', but posts on my site are still presented with the date in 'Month Day, Year'. Can anyone give me an idea what I should be looking for in the source code that defines the date format? (I realise this will be somewhat template-dependent, and I've modified mine so much over the years that I honestly forget which it was originally forked from, Rosa maybe?)

Adding ai.txt to my site?

Where would one put an ai.txt file on their site? Spawning.ai says to put it on the "root" of you website? Is that just the home folder of my site in dropbox? Thanks! https://spawning.ai/ai-txt

Filter posts out of RSS feed based on tag?

Is there a way to not include posts with a set tag in the RSS feed?

Adding a tag-based indictor after {{Previous}} and {{Next}}

I use the following on the archives page to put a unicode arrow after a linkpost: <div class="column left"> <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}} {{#tagged.linkpost}} ⇾ {{/tagged.linkpost}} </a> </div> I tried to use the same method within the Next and Previous sections shown below, but it showed the unicode arrow next to every post. My guess is that it's getting the Next/Previous values at pageload, but may not have visiblity to the tags for those entries to be able to handle what I'm trying to accomplish in the Previous and Next area. Is it possible? <div class="column rightpostfooter"> {{#tags}} <a class="small tag" href="/tagged/{{slug}}">{{name}}  </a> {{/tags}}<br> {{#date}} <span class="small">{{date}}</span> {{/date}}<br> {{#next}} <a class="link" href="{{{url}}}"><span class="smalllink">{{title}}</span></a> {{/next}}<br> {{#previous}} <a class="link" href="{{{url}}}"><span class="smalllink">{{title}}</span></a> {{/previous}}<br> </div>

Email subscriptions?

I don't believe there's a built-in way for folks to subscribe to new blog posts via email. Is that something on the roadmap? Or does anyone know of a relatively easy third-party solution?

Adding a folder contents view to my template?

I'd like to offer access to files, the folder view from the dashboard is fantastic - is there a way I can have a public facing page like this?

Updated Blog theme has layout errors

(re-writing this as my first attempt was rushed and unclear) Since I last used it, the Blog theme appears to have been amended. The structure and CSS is different to that on another of my older Blot sites. The changes appear to introduce some issue that are consistent across multiple browsers and machines - for example content in the right margin is now positioned off the page and pagination text is positioned top-left over the top of itself. I assume these are theme errors because they're visible on the theme demo site too and differ from the screenshots provided. Has anyone identified the issue (although the HTML structure has changed, it looks like the CSS may be the issue here?) and / or is there a way to get the old theme to use, since the theme is unusable as-is.

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