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19 questions tagged ‘Images’

Lazy loading on images?

Wondering if anyone has figured out a way to introduce lazy loading for images? I know we can add loading="lazy" in the HTML, but I'd like a way to do it in Markdown, so I don't have to write out all the HTML for every image. When my site was based on Jekyll, I could use Kramdown and add {: loading="lazy"} after the image to add the required flag. But nothing like that exists AFAIK with Blot. Do any of you have any ideas please? I'd like to avoid introducing JS if at all possible. Thanks!

Animated GIFs support?

Does Blot support .gif(s) inside the posts? The ones that I added doesn't seem to show correctly.

Making an image into a link?

Is it possible to make an image into a clickable link in blot?

Adding time or tags to photos?

I posted a photo on my blog. I noticed it set the time to 12:00 am, even though that wasn't the timestamp on the photo. How do I set the time on a jpg? Also can I add a tag to this photo? Thank you!

Image captions within a post?

I swear this used to give me an image and an image caption inside a post: ![Photo Credit in caption line.](_sample.jpeg) But now I only get the image and no caption. I'm using the blog template. Has something changed or do I have my markdown wrong?

Specifying time in image posts?

When directly posting an image to Blot using the YEAR-MONTH-DAY File Name format, the time is always set to 12:00am. I wish to upload several images over several posts but in a particular order. Is there a method of naming an image file to specify a time (Say, 12:01, 12:02, etc) in order to achieve this?

WebP images?

They seem to be working but wanted to confirm support for WebP images?

How to add an image caption?

How do you add a photo caption (the text just under the image)? Thanks.

Alt Text for Images?

I'm trying to make sure my site is ADA compliant. I have added "alt" text in my image embeds using markup but my site template isn't picking them up in every location that the image is shown. What do I need to add to my template to add them? Thanks!