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Redirects with query strings not working?

I noticed that redirects lead to 404 page when the link is accessed from a Facebook post. Apparently, Facebook appends a tracking parameter ?fbclid=* to the url and it messes up the redirect. Is there a way around this?

Changing fonts and TeX typesetting

I would like to change fonts for my posts and perhaps also change the font used in TeX equations and formulas, is that possible? It feels off having text and formulas with different fonts/styles.

Home Page

I followed the folder structure from the website and have created a page called 'Home' in the Pages folder but now I have two tabs with Home. How do I make the text document my home page? This is the page I want people to land on when they visit. Thanks :)

Commento loads different comments if there's a trailing slash in URL

I just discovered that Commento seems to register URLs with or without trailing slashes as different posts. Is this expected behavior? Is there any way to redirect the version with the trailing slash to the version without, so comments won't keep being split on future posts?

First item in entries array

I'd like to create a link to the most recent post with a specific tag. I can use {{recent_entries}} or {{all_entries}} and filter by tag but I can't find a way to get (or reference) only the first result. Elsewhere I have pagination of entries working as I want so I don't want to change local.page_size for the whole blog. Is this possible please?

What drives the sizing of images on the front page of the Magazine layout?

I've tried a few things to see if I can affect what makes some thumbs large and some small, but haven't figured out what the pattern might be. One entry has a single image and its thumb is small on the front page, another entry has a single image and its thumb is large on the front page.

All posts by tag

Is there a way to loop through every tag and then print all entries with that tag below it? i.e. the /tagged/example page but with every tag and its entries, without having to specify each one individually.

Avatar/favicon not uploading?

When I try to upload the blog's photo that will be used as the browser tab favicon (and also show up as avatar in the header as I've modified the template to show it), it's just not uploading the file. When I click "Save Changes" it doesn't save changes and again shows the "No file chosen" text. I tried with a PNG as well as JPG. Please let me know if there are certain requirements around this that I'm not following.

Embedding audio not working?

I cannot seem to find a way to embed audio files uploaded to my Dropbox. I can get a link to a Dropbox-embedded audio file that will open separately and play via Dropbox, but can't seem to embed this directly. The question How to embed audio in a post? suggests i'm doing something wrong: Can you verify that it works and/or provide an example of it being used with verification that the file is hosted on Dropbox only?

Adding a 'contact us' form?

Would anyone know where I can find a no frills HTML contact us form? All I need is an email sent to me, and the form only needs a name, email address and message fields.

Is there a directory of user-templates?

Hello, I was wondering, now that there is a super easy way to share templates, do you any place where Blot users might preferably want to share/try external templates? Maybe a GitHub group or something like that? Tags work, but there is not an “official” GitHub repository tag to find them all in the same place.

Insert block in page

I’m looking to avoid repeating a specific block of code from within the individual post entries. Within a theme, this would be achieved using {{> Block}}. Is there a way to do this within a post. Currently Blot hides this code. Do I need to put a path? {{> /templates/theme-name/Block }} or something similar?

Sharing on Twitter

How can I automatically share my blog posts on Twitter? I can’t seem to find any instructions. Cheers.

How to improve the Lighthouse Accessibility score?

Hi, my Lighthouse accessibility score mentions a problem with the Role and ARIA attributes of the Footnotes class, and I don't know where to begin solving this. Any idea on how to quickly correct this on my side?

Does making a second blog affect the first blog?

I want to make a second blog, unrelated to my first and already started paying for a second account. It's important that my first blog is not influenced by this. Could you confirm that nothing will change - to the outside world - in terms of addresses and links from my first blog when i add the second? I assume that the changes in dropbox needed to have two separate blogs are automatic and below the surface.

Finding Blot Bloggers?

How or where do I find a community of bloggers using Blot?

Moving and styling citations?

I am madly in love with the bibliography function. It actually was, what made me move to Blot – seriously, you made this scientist very, very happy, good bye self-hosted Jekyll. I would love to, however, move the generated bibliography within the page. My citations can get somewhat ... excessive. So I'd like to move them, within the "Blog" template, after Date, Tags, and Backlinks, and style them the same way those are. For that, I'd need somehow access to the generated HTML. Is that possible?

Misaligned date on front page of Essay theme

My blog's front page lists a post where the date is aligned to two lines instead of one (at least on my desktop browser). Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

Pagination for Tagged urls?

Is there a way to enable pagination for tagged urls If a tag has a hundred posts or more, and they have images, it would be nice to only have a page worth of them load and then envoke the pagination navigation. I had tried modifying the entries.html view in conjunction with the tagged.html view but had no luck. Thoughts?

Hide specific tags from the RSS feed?

Is it possible to remove certain categories tags from the feed?

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