How to have a custom 404 page?
Currently if the page doesn't exist, I am shown: `Error with your template Blot failed to render your template. Please try again or contact support if this problem continues:`
Setting up GitHub with Blot and Obsidian
Hello all. I’m a new Blot user and I really enjoy its simplicity. However, I’ve never had to use GitHub before and have found myself stuck. I have Obsidian syncing with GitHub without issue. However, for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get Blot to also sync with my current setup on GitHub. Is there anyone who can assist or point me in the right direction of a tutorial? I don’t mind learning, I just don’t know where to go to start doing so.
I noticed in your reference section there's a {{backlinks}} code: "A list of all the entries on your site which link to this entry." {{#backlinks}} <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a> {{/backlinks}} I tried this on pages and posts that linked to each other but nothing shows up. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of this?
Redirect to external URL
Is it possible to set up a redirect to an external URL? E.g. from that redirects to a Twitter profile?
Import from Wordpress?
Hi, how can I import from my Wordpress blog into Blot that will also honor the existing permalink structure? Thank you.
Google Analytics - No data received
Hi, I have the correct measurement ID (GA4) set up in Blot settings but Google Analytics is not receiving any data. It used to work in the past. Any idea what’s up?
Can Blot use a shared Dropbox folder?
I have been having trouble with this – my Blot folder does not seem to have sharing options (but maybe that's a free Dropbox limitation? It's hard to tell.)
Layout.css in the default blog template
Hi! I created a blog using the default blog template and tried using layout tags and added the layout sample post but it's not reflecting correctly. Is there anything we need to do to the default blog template to make that work / look like the blog preview?
Custom thumbnail archive?
Is there a way to create a specific page that only show the thumbnails of the photo posts? I've created a new file named thumbs.html with the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> {{> head}} <body> {{> header}} <ul class="photos"> {{#entries}} {{#thumbnail.large.url}} <li> <a href="{{{url}}}">{{#thumbnail.medium}}<img src="{{url}}" width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}">{{/thumbnail.medium}}</a> </li> {{/thumbnail.large.url}} {{/entries}} {{> footer}} </ul> </body> </html> But when I visit /thumbs.html or /thumbs I get an error that the page is not found. Am I creating the custom page the wrong way? Thanks.
Metadata placement
Is there a way to put metadata elsewhere in an entry, potentially at the bottom? Editors like Ulysses treat the first line of the file as the name which causes some issues when the first line is something like tags: example that might not be unique. Or alternatively, if you have any best practices on how to work around that it'd be very helpful!
Word count
Hi! Is there a property on an entry that can be used to display word count / reading time? Or is that something best done with JavaScript?
Title in menu vs title on page?
Is there a way to have the title of the link in the menu be different from the one that appears on the actual page? E.g. Title in the menu: "Work"; title on the page: "Design Portfolio"
Links breaking if inside margin text on mobile
I've been using layout tags such as this one "{|<}" as footnotes for my blog. I frequently include links there. I noticed that on mobile the links do not work. This issue also persists if I use a small browser window on desktop. Thanks.
Dropdown Navbar - possible?
Is it possible to have clickable dropdown menus from the top navigation bar? Can this be currently done with the "Pages" folder concept? I tried creating a simply tree of folders within the "Pages" folder thinking it might work but it gets flattened in one long top navigation menu. David, is this possible to do. Is it template dependent? Are you considering this? I would be a nice feature because we could have more than a few .md files in a directory tree inside the "Pages" folder. Are there any suggestions? It's not a huge request but it would provide some freedom on structure. Thank you —Alex
Use CDN for html pages
Can we specify to use CDN for html pages. Right now it is used just for the images.
Plausible Analytics: No Snippet?
I set up Plausible Analytics on my Blot, but it never gave me a field to enter the tracking snippet. Does Blot auto generate that?