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Can't delete blog?

I wanted to delete one of my blogs but ran into an error "Could not process your request" after clicking the delete button.

How to manipulate "folder" as my template?

As David said, the folder "is a self-contained stand-alone site. If you download this folder and place its contents in your own site’s folder, you will get the same site." How can I use folder as template for my site on Blot if I can't upload the source code? Should I copy&paste what I want into my current template?

Search using "AND" not "OR"?

If I search for a phrase (multiple words), the results seem to include posts with either word rather than both/all words. I would prefer the search use AND not OR by default (without something like typing "AND" in the query). Is there any way to change the behavior? Currently, the results get very "noisy" because many of the results aren't relevant. Thanks.

Showing the most recent entry with a tag?

I'm trying to display the first post in a custom page "writings.html" but if I use the {{#first}} it doesn't show anything. Could you help me? {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Writings}} {{#first}} <header class=" centered-content"> <a href="{{url}}"><h1>{{title}}</h1></a> <span class="date"> {{#formatDate}} Do MMM YYYY {{/formatDate}} </span> </header> <section class="writings centered-content"> {{{body}}} </section> {{/first}} {{/tagged.Writings}} {{/allEntries}}

Is it possible to connect Lightbox Gallery?

I really want to connect the gallery with a grid, for example "lightGallery". I've spent a lot of time trying to embed the gallery, gone through dozens of options, and all possible combinations, nothing works. As if something is blocking or not loading scripts and styles. Maybe the structure in the template is different from the usual one, or I'm doing something wrong. The example is for the Magazine template. Did I understand the structure correctly: "Index.html" is → "header.html" The "head" element, which is usually at the beginning of "Index.html" (header.html), is here a separate file → "head.html". The "body" element, which is usually in the middle of "Index.html" (header.html), is also a separate file → "footer.html". It follows that to "head.html" I add references to the styles (which I created separately in the directory), for example at the beginning, after "meta". Next, I add the script to "footer.html", also at the beginning. Then I add a link to the photo to the document I created in Google Drive, as indicated on the sites of gallery developers (although in their examples, the gallery is placed in the "body"). But nothing works, styles and scripts do not work at all, static images are displayed in a column, when clicking on them, it displays an error that there is no such page. I usually add styles in css-layout.css and for everything else it works, sometimes up to css-theme.css. If you need to add scripts - I add to script.js, it also works for others. But galleries usually require separate large stylesheets and scripts. Did I understand the structure correctly? Is it even possible to create a gallery similar to "lightGallery" or is my attempt futile? Maybe the template has restrictions on connecting individual js and css files? Maybe I'm adding the code in the wrong place, or in the wrong format to accept the template? Or do you need to add links to files only at the beginning / at the end of the file / or after a certain time? All I need for happiness is a gallery with a grid, with the possibility of clicking on a photo, then displaying it in its original size, as well as switching to neighboring ones with the help of arrows. Like a small wish, but something completely impossible. I will be grateful for tips, help, links to working versions of the galleries.

Does Blot supports heavy amounts of traffic?

Hi! Wondering if Blot works fine if a site is expected to receive a heavy amount of traffic

Recommendations for Markdown text-editors?

I’m just getting started with my blog and wondered if you wouldn’t mind giving me some tips on how to make the most of blot? Here’s how I’m posting: write post in Markdown on Dillinger in my browser, export as ‘Markdown’ and then put in Dropbox. This is working fine but if I need to edit the post after I’ve seen the preview, I go back into Dillinger, make edits and export and save again. I just wondered if there’s a better way to do this? I’m very new to this sort of thing so tried to download ‘Atom’ which I thought was a Markdown app, but it doesn’t open on my computer.

Custom meta in feed.rss?

I've added custom meta to feed.rss without an issue before, but my recent attempt isn't working quite right. {{#metadata}} <figure> <figcaption>Listen:</figcaption> <audio controls src="{{audio}}"></audio> <a href="{{audio}}">Download audio</a> </figure> {{/metadata}} Where {{audio}} = the MP3's URL. The audio player is showing in the feed even when posts do not have {{audio}} custom meta data. Any suggestions?

Adding ai.txt to my site?

Where would one put an ai.txt file on their site? Spawning.ai says to put it on the "root" of you website? Is that just the home folder of my site in dropbox? Thanks! https://spawning.ai/ai-txt

Metadata Showing in Post

When I use more than one item of metadata, e.g. Date: and Link: the second item always appears in the published post. I've followed the guides by keeping the items at the start of the document with spacing. I use a new line for each.

I cannot access the Bulk Edit Redirects page?

Hello. I have been unable to access the Bulk Edit for redirects recently on my dashboard. The page flickers when I click, but doesn't actually load the bulk edit window as it used to. Is there a problem with it? Thanks

How to delete a link?

Apologies if, as I suspect, I'm missing something obvious, but how do I delete a link that's previously been created in the Your sites/[Site name]/Links part of the control panel? I can see how to add a new link and how to reorder them, but not how to delete a link that has previously been created. Thanks!

Hide images on home but show on tagged page?

Hi! I'd like to set up a "stream" page that just shows inspirational images that I collect and drop into a folder. Ideally these images only appear on the stream page and not on the home page. How can I accomplish this?

Edit date format selections not being applied correctly?

Is anyone else seeing this? Changing the date format in the 'edit template' screen allows me to select a different format, but the new format is: not applied to the preview not retained if I leave / return to this screen not applied to the live site (confirmed with debug function, where dateFormat in JSON remains original value) The template is unmodified and correctly uses {{date}}. Other changes in the edit template screen (such as font, font size and line spacing) are correctly applied.

Update article ‘slug’ but keep location otherwise?

Is there a way to update just the slug of a post without interrupting the other parts of the URL formatting? E.g. if my post has the URL domain.tld/2021/02/17/really-really-long-slug and I want to change it to domain.tld/2021/02/17/short-slug, is there a way to do that without just changing the post title? From the looks of it, using the Link: metadata replaces all of the URL structure, which makes sense but isn’t what I’m after.

Add support for Jupyter notebooks?

Hello - is there a nice workflow for this, or even better, will blot ever support a notebook file?

Purge "Database" for my site?

Is there a way to purge all content from the blog without affecting the overall structural logic and the changes made in the CSS and HTML files (i.e through a fresh reinstall)? Essentially starting with a clean slate? Since I am only familiar with MySQL it would be akin to deleting all content from the tables but leaving the table logic and connection as is and not touching the front-end bits at all.

Selectively turn off image zoom?

I love the smooth, build-in image zoom (Blog Template), but I have a situation (image in a teaser section on the start page) where I would like to selectively turn it off, because it is preventing the image from being clickable. Is this possible somehow?

Add "Slug" to metadata documentation?

Not a question but just a request to have the docs updated. It appears that Slug: does the same exact thing as Link:. Was trying to use Slug: as my own metadata and found this out.

Where is Blot's folder in my google drive?

Blot has access and set up the first empty folder, but I can't find it in my google drive.

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