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Can Blot use a shared Dropbox folder?

I have been having trouble with this – my Blot folder does not seem to have sharing options (but maybe that's a free Dropbox limitation? It's hard to tell.)

4 years ago, 1 replies   Edit question

Dropbox itself does not allow the sharing of App folders, which Blot uses by default. If you want to enable Dropbox's sharing options, you will need to grant Blot permission to access your entire Dropbox folder.

Plenty of people who run into this limitation create a second Dropbox account, to which they grant Blot full-folder access, and then share their blog folder with their real Dropbox account, and others who need access. Does that make sense? I realize this is a bit of a pain but you can switch your site seamlessly to another Dropbox account (Blot will copy everything across).

Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer

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