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Issue with position of headers on the Blog template

When using the Blog tempate and viewing a single entry, the <h5> elements for Tags, Date, Next, and Previously all appear on top of each other in the top left of the page. Looking through the CSS, it appears that .label-left h5 is set to position:absolute, which explains the behavior. Adding position:relative to the CSS rules for .label-left ensures that the parent element of the <h5> is set to relative, which fixes the issue with their absolute positioning.

Change the URL of tag index pages?

I'm creating an photography website with photos sorted by tags. But instead of tags, I want to use the term "album". Is is possible to change the url from https://example.com/tagged/france to https://example.com/album/france ? Thanks and keep up the good work with Blot!

Markdown for link to an image in a tagged [folder]?

When I want to link manually to an image in a tagged [folder] like so ![This is the linktext]([folder]/image_01.jpg)(tagged/folder) HTML doesn't work properly anymory, most likely due to the additional brackets around the folder name. Is there a way in markdown to "escape" the brackets in the image URL?

Is it possible for a post's URL to be different from the post's title?

For example, a post title (and file name) is foo. Can the post URL be mysite.com/bar?

A post from a folder of images?

When I put a folder with images into the root directory of the blog template, all images inside the folder are automatically loaded to the blog's start page. Is there a way I can replicate this mechanism for a page? And if so, how would I need to setup/name my files/directory? I assume there is a way, since the portfolio template does exactly what I want to achieve (every series of photos get's its dedicated link off the start page) but unfortunately the link to the download of the sample folder doesn't work anymore.

Changing the URL of the archives page?

I was attempting to rename Archive to Index (which I did), but then started toying with the page name and realized that would break what was defined in packages.json. Now setting the value back to /archives in the dashboard for that link still results in a 404 error. Did I break it? ;) Tangible Life

Org-Mode Headings show up as ordered lists?

I'm having trouble moving from markdown to org-mode (my favorite markup). In markdown # converts to an h1, ## converts to h2, ### converts to h3 and so on. In org-mode * converts to h1, ** converts to h2, however *** converts to an ordered list. I would prefer for there to be parity between markdown and org-mode so that all heading levels regardless of format would convert to their respective HTML heading tags.

Add blog to my account?

I would appreciate the opportunity to host an independent photo portfolio as well as a blog. However, I am currently unable to locate the method to incorporate a second website within my dashboard.

How to add the last modified date to my sitemap?

I'd like to include the lastmod field in my sitemap – how should I go about adding this?

Are there any video restrictions?

There are several videos that differ in time, size, bitrate, and some do not appear in the post, even if you upload them separately, they are all under 20mb. I can't find a pattern. Google Drive platform. Maybe there are limits on some video parameters?

Org mode not working?

I've added an example Org file to my blog only to see that it's detected as a file, and not as a post. The file's contents are just: This is a test. /Woo-hoo./

How do I add an anchor tag?

I tried to search for that, but the search on the questions page is not working.

Multiple templates on one site?

Hi! I'm a student and would like to publish the full text of my master's dissertation in a dedicated web page with its own address. I'd like to implement a few features to improve the reading experience (like a fixed side menu with chapters and sections, specific styles for tables, etc). I currently have a Blot blog hosted at blog.rodolfoalmeida.info, but I'd like the dissertation page to have its own template. Is there anyway that I can achieve this through Blot while still having just one single blog subscription? Thanks in advance! Rodolfo

Caching issues?

I've noticed that some pages seem to be stuck in the cache

Adding image slides to posts?

Is it possible to have slides of images in a post? I use magazine template

Page link as animated button?

Hi! I'd like to create a page for my blog, where the button to open the page includes javascript code to make it flash red and yellow. I have the code, only I don't know how to use it to individually effect the appearance of one of the page-buttons … is there a way to achieve this through the metadata?

Getting started with Open Graph?

I would like to modify my template to add the <meta> tags required by Open Graph. Could you provide information, articles, tips, or known issues related to correctly setting up open graph data for shared posts?

Google Drive Formatting

Using a hashtag for title, or using "Tag: " for tags doesn't register when I source my files from Google Drive. What formatting style should we use for Google Drive?

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