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Arbitrary folder structures?

If I create some folder structures in my blog's folder for additional pages, will those pages be functional on the blog? For example, will the .md file in Evil-Plan/schemes/phase-1.md be published at /Evil-Plan/schemes/phase-1?

Addendum: if so, is this an accurate list of reserved top-level folders?

  • Drafts
  • Pages
  • Posts
  • Files
  • Media

4 years ago, 1 replies   link-format   Edit question

No, not by default but you can configure Blot to use the path to the file to generate its link. To configure this you will need a custom link format. You'll want to use the following custom link format:


As for reserved top-level folders: in one sense, there is no such thing. You don't really need to create folders called Drafts or Pages or Posts, let alone Files or Media. You can create a draft inside the folder called Pages, a post inside a folder called Drafts, etc.

This is because metadata is what ultimately determines how Blot treats a file. For example, here is how you create a page using metadata:

Page: yes

Rest of the page goes here...

The file above can be placed anywhere inside your folder, and it will become a page.

However, Blot does treat some folders differently. For example, files inside a folder called Pages will have implicit metadata to the effect of Page: yes. The folders Blot treats differently are:

  • Pages - files inside get Page: yes implicitly
  • Drafts - files inside get Draft: yes implicitly
  • Templates - files inside are used for locally editable templates

That's it! Writing this out has made me think I should clarify the documentation a little.

Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer

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