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129 questions tagged ‘Developers’

Keeping footnotes?

I am using the Magazine template of which I love the Bignotes. But I would also like the footnotes to be visible at the bottom of the page. Is this possible? Thanks in advance

Applying CSS to PDF embeds?

I'd like to change the width of PDF iframe embeds – would it be possible to add a class to these so I can target them?

Adding a membership site?

Is there a way to add a members-only paywall for a Blot blog? Thanks! Hani

Prevent hyphenated titles?

I’m using the Magazine template but many of my titles now appear with hyphenated words on the main page. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Thanks in advance

Different styles for different pages?

I was wondering if it would be possible to use the 'Blog' template for most of my website, whilst also having some pages on my website using the 'Portfolio' template. Is this possible? How can it be done if so?

Page with Tag

I'm trying to make a custom page that includes a list of posts with a certain tag. I've tried following the instructions on this page, but without success. Here's my code for now.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> {{> head}} <body> {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Now}} <p><a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a></p> {{/tagged.Now}} {{/allEntries}} </body> </html> I also added this to package.json; { "now.html": { "partials": { "title": "Now - {{{title}}}", "description": "What's up right now." } } } And sitemap.xml: <url> <loc>{{blogURL}}/now/</loc> </url> But heydingus.net/now still leads to a 404. Am I doing something wrong?

New local template

If I want to create my own custom template, do I just need to create the Templates folder, the folder with the template source code, a package.json, and then the various template files themself? Will the blot.im hosted UI recognize that I added a new template locally?

Create a section on a page showing entries with a specific tag

Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find it when perusing existing questions. I'd like to set up some pages as homes for my various projects, many of which have their own tags for related blog posts. I know that you can create a new .html file with the syntax on https://blot.im/templates/developers/examples/all-posts-with-a-tag, but I was hoping to do it with a regular page made with a .md file. It'd be much easier to update the rest of the content that way. Is that possible?

Remove "Links to this post"?

At the bottom of the default template, on some pages there is a "Links to this post" block. How does one remove this?