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129 questions tagged ‘Developers’

Is it possible to get the length of the post?

Is it possible to get the length of the post content? It could be used to calculate reading time, display the post in a different layout, etc . if we have a way to get the number of characters.

Adding a copyright statement

Is there a smart way to add a discrete copyright statement (eg. C 2023 XX, all rights reserved) as a footer to all pages? I'm using Diary template. Thanks!

Reverse the order of entries?

Is it possible to list {{#allEntries}} in reverse order—oldest at the top; newest at the bottom?

Is it possible to show related posts with the same tag?

When I'm on a post, it would be nice to see other posts matching the current posts tag(s). I played with this a little in my custom theme, but couldn't figure out how to filter the entries by the matching tag(s).

Adding a tooltip to links on hover?

I love the hover preview used in the bigfoot footnotes within the magazine theme. Just wondering if there was a way to do similar when hovering over wikilinks (similar to that of wikipedia or obsidian)?

How to set a custom 404 error message?

I would like to check if we can set custom 404 messages? Thank you.

How does the magazine template determine the tags to display in the left-hand menu?

I'm using the default magazine template, and am wondering how it choses which tags to show in the left-hand menu. It seems like it's limited to 5 – is it the first 5 that are used in posts, or the top 5 most frequently used? I'm wondering how to change them. Thanks! :)

How do you generate a sitemap.xml?

How do you generate a sitemap.xml to add to Google Search Console?

Nested tags structure in nav bar

Looking for a way to show the nested tags structure in the nav bar. For example Folder structure being: [Tag A] [Tag B] [Tag C] [Tag D] I would want to have the same indentation and hierarchy in the nav bar, and ideally being apple to collapse and uncollapse them would be great. Is there a way to do this with the current templates?

Site-wide custom metadata?

Is there currently a way to replicate Jekyll style site-wide metadata? I am trying to use Blot for my teaching materials and there are several bits of information (deadlines for papers etc) that need to appear in several different entries; being able to define them in a single (yaml/json?) data file and include them in the entry as, for example {{site.metadata.deadline1}} would be really useful. Thanks!

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