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Show last modified/updated date on posts?

On another blot site I am working on it'll be a hybrid digital garden/blog.

Since some pages and posts will be updated over time, is there a way to show the last modified/updated date instead of creation date?

I could change the date metadata but it would move the post around due to how Blot displays posts in reverse chronological order. I'd rather leave it wherever it is and just show updated dates whenever folks browse it.

a year ago, 4 replies   developers   Edit question

You should be able to use either the {{updated}} property or the {{#formatUpdated}} function, which works like {{#formatDate}}.

Does that help? Please let me know if you have any questions

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

If I put this into a markdown file, it should show something?


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

{{updated}} did the trick! Thank you!


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

You can not use this tag in the post itself – it must be added to your template. Please see this other question about embedding the file's updated date and don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions

Answered a year ago · Edit answer