21 questions tagged ‘Tags’
Adding tags to a post?
I've read all the documentation and I'm sure I'm being thick but I just can't get my posts tagged. I am just posting .md files via DropBox but how do I get the posts to have tags?
Exclude some tags from popular tags?
Is there a way to exclude some tags from being listed in the {{#popular_tags}} list? Thanks, Ray
Tags as RSS categories?
Is it possible to modify the RSS feed so that an entry's tags will be declared as categories in the feed? I'm asking because I'm switching to Feedmail for email subscriptions and they have a feature that lets users subscribe to or exclude specific categories. Would be great if I could take advantage of that feature.
Remove certain tagged posts from #next
Hello. I have this block of code in entry.html. Is it possible to not show posts with a certain tag inside of next? {{#next}} <div class="up-next"> <p class="small small-caps last-updated">up next</p> {{#thumbnail.medium}} <div class="up-next-thumbnail"> <img src="{{{url}}}" width="256px"> </div> {{/thumbnail.medium}} <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a> <p class="up-next-summary">{{summary}}…</p> </div> {{/next}}
RSS feed title customization for specific tags?
I use the below code for putting a unicode arrow after a title on the archives page for linkposts. Is it possible to add a similar customization to the feed.rss template so that the title would get the arrow in RSS reader apps? I want folks consuming the RSS feed to know there's a linked post to go read beyond my comments. I also have a YAML value for linkpost, if that somehow works better for this use case than the tag value. {{#allEntries}} <div class="row"> <div class="column left"> <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}} {{#tagged.linkpost}} ⇾ {{/tagged.linkpost}} </a> </div> <div class="column right"> <span class="smalldate">{{date}}</span> </div> </div> {{/allEntries}}
Sorting the posts in a [tagged] folder?
I have a bunch of images from a trip to Bali in a folder tagged [Bali]. I tried adding a markdown file in the same folder (tagged "Bali" in the meta data) in order to add a headline and some textual information. It is actually rendered, however, only at the end of the page underneath the images. Is there a way to push the text from the markdown file to the top of the page? I tried changing the date to be more recent than the images, but images seem to automatically have render priority.
Adding an attribute to title on Archives page based on a tag?
On my main entries page, if a post is a link post I've updated the CSS to show a unicode arrow symbol after the title so people will know the title will take them to another location. I'm trying to achieve the same behavior on the archives page. This could be driven based on a tag value of 'linkpost'. Is this possible? Example of how it looks on main page (would like the same symbol to appear after the post title on archives based on a tag value being present):
Can I organize nested tags then scheduled/published date with folder structure?
Like [Main Tag] [Sub Tag] 2023 > 09 > 20 > My Scheduled Blog Post with Folder Tags.md ?
RSS feeds per tag?
Apologies if it's been asked but are there (or can there be?) dedicated RSS feeds per tag? It would be nice to have these split out to triage posts out to different services automatically.
Is there a way to get first few posts with a certain tag?
I would like to customize my template so the home page has a couple sections that show the first 3 posts of a couple different tags. So far I have {{#all_entries}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{title}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{/all_entries}} But I'm not sure if I'm able to limit all_entries or access certain elements of the array with Mustache. Also, is there a way to combine inverted sections? Like if I want to filter out multiple tags from all_entries?
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