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15 questions tagged ‘Markdown’

Metadata in markdown links?

Just wondering if there is any way to use metadata tags in markdown links? At the moment this markdown: ![caption]({{url}}_images/picture.jpg)` Becomes, this HTML: <img src="/%7B%7Burl%7D%7D_images/picture.jpg" alt="caption"> The brackets just get encoded. Can this be avoided? Or should I just use HTML to start with?

Link to a PDF in the same folder as a post?

Is there a way to link a pdf file located in the same folder of parent note? Because at the moment I can link only pdf in the root 'Files' folder

Display image caption?

How do I get markdown to display an image caption?

Can you please provide the layout.txt file from the video?

This is used about two minutes into the demo video on Blot's homepage

How to insert an image?

I am learning Markdown and today I tried to add an image but it went pear shaped. I looked up the basic code for adding image but I cannot get it to work. It will be a local image on my drive.