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Embedding audio not working?

I cannot seem to find a way to embed audio files uploaded to my Dropbox. I can get a link to a Dropbox-embedded audio file that will open separately and play via Dropbox, but can't seem to embed this directly. The question How to embed audio in a post? suggests i'm doing something wrong: Can you verify that it works and/or provide an example of it being used with verification that the file is hosted on Dropbox only?

Avatar/favicon not uploading?

When I try to upload the blog's photo that will be used as the browser tab favicon (and also show up as avatar in the header as I've modified the template to show it), it's just not uploading the file. When I click "Save Changes" it doesn't save changes and again shows the "No file chosen" text. I tried with a PNG as well as JPG. Please let me know if there are certain requirements around this that I'm not following.

Blog template

There's a preview/demo page for the blog template that you've put up recently that has some design capabilities I'd like to play with, especially the images and text hanging in the right column, and the potential for full width content. Are they things that are enabled in the template already, or do I have to add some code to make them work? Thanks.

Links breaking if inside margin text on mobile

I've been using layout tags such as this one "{|<}" as footnotes for my blog. I frequently include links there. I noticed that on mobile the links do not work. This issue also persists if I use a small browser window on desktop. Thanks.

Is there a way to display the source file for each post?

I was curious: can the source text file for a post be opened via a URL? For instance, I add the file example.txt to my Posts folder in Dropbox: is there a way to see the content of that file with a URL like mydomain.com/Posts/example.txt?

Custom Domain Help

I'm having some trouble linking my blot.im site with my custom domain. Usually www.example.com works, but if I omit the www. it goes to 'Server Not Found'. Do you know what may cause that issue and how to fix it? Thank you!

Regarding absoluteURL

This is true for {{url}} and {{permalink}} as well. Instead of displaying as website.com/page, it displays as website.com&#x2F;page. Any help would be appreciated.

Hiding the page title?

I realize that using the following metadata: Link: / at the top of a post will make it a "landing page", but what I can't figure out is how to avoid the first line of text becoming the name of the page in my links list, without inserting an image at the top of the page (I discovered this fixed the issue by accident when I added an image at the top of certain pages). But without an image, if I want a page named "contact" (for example") I need to have "contact" at the top of the page.

Dropdown Navbar - possible?

Is it possible to have clickable dropdown menus from the top navigation bar? Can this be currently done with the "Pages" folder concept? I tried creating a simply tree of folders within the "Pages" folder thinking it might work but it gets flattened in one long top navigation menu. David, is this possible to do. Is it template dependent? Are you considering this? I would be a nice feature because we could have more than a few .md files in a directory tree inside the "Pages" folder. Are there any suggestions? It's not a huge request but it would provide some freedom on structure. Thank you —Alex

Adding a 'contact us' form?

Would anyone know where I can find a no frills HTML contact us form? All I need is an email sent to me, and the form only needs a name, email address and message fields.

Use CDN for html pages

Can we specify to use CDN for html pages. Right now it is used just for the images.

Copyright Notice

How can I include a copyright notice on the footer of my blog?

Plausible Analytics: No Snippet?

I set up Plausible Analytics on my Blot, but it never gave me a field to enter the tracking snippet. Does Blot auto generate that?

Regular Expressions in Redirects

I was wondering how to use regular expressions in redirects. Consider the following case: I want to redirect users to my github page when they type domain.tld/github without the link being case sencitive. So all URLs including /github, /gitHub, or even /GitHuB would redirect to the same destination. I tried to type it as follows: /github/i, but thast didn't work. Thanks!

How to add a tagline or sub-heading to the blog heading?

I'm using the Blog template and wanted to add my own name -- By XYZ -- as a tagline/sub-head/caption that should appear right under the blog name (header) but in a smaller font (where I'd also like to change the font and color of the tagline). Please let me know how to achieve this, thank you!

Do standard Markdown footnotes formatting only render as in-line footnotes?

I have only been able to generate in-line footnotes rather than footnotes that appear at the bottom of the page using the "[^1]" and "[^1]: footnote next" format. I also played around with various versions of this, but couldn't get it to work. Just as an aside, I am new to Blot and absolutely love it. I really appreciate having this platform. Thank you! My test site is available at austinkocher.blot.im, though it's still a bit of a mess right now as I get things set up.

How to remove an image post?

After I removed an image from google drive, the image post is still on my blog. How can I remove an image post properly?

How to clear layout formatting for new paragraph?

I used the markdown layout tags to build a grid of images, but the last column formatting appears to be continuing to the following paragraph. Scroll down here to see the example: https://semeiotica.com/ The markdown code is this: {||||} ![1](/posts/crest/_cartouche.png) ![5](/posts/crest/_droplet2.png) ![8](/posts/crest/_sparc_logo.png) {||||} ![3](/posts/crest/_gate2.png) ![6](/posts/crest/_NGI_logo200.png) ![9](/posts/crest/_KitLogo_Color@4x.png) {||||} ![4](/posts/crest/_mondial.png) ![7](/posts/crest/_coclimate_logo_bl.png) ![10](/posts/crest/_ae_logo.png) {||||} ![2](/posts/crest/_g.png) ![12](/posts/crest/_worldviews.png) ![11](/posts/crest/_genocartouche.png) Is there any easy fix?

pCloud client status

Hello, I saw a ticket for the pCloud in the potential new features page, is there traction on that? Thanks as always for the excellent work

Change the URL of the blog index page?

I am trying to find a way to change page/1 to /blog/ as my post URL scheme is blog/{{slug}}. How is this possible? I just want to display what is on page/1 on /blog/ instead.

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