Use the full range of Markdown features to add formatting to your posts. Blot also renders mathematics and provides syntax highlighting for code snippets.
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers created by John Gruber. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that is simple to convert to HTML.
# Formatting You can use *Markdown*, a lightweight markup language for plain text files. Use it for links, headings, lists and much more.
Note that you can always mix HTML tags directly into Markdown files, should you need to do something beyond the limits of the Markdown.
Bold and italics
Surrounding text with two asterisks makes text bold:
**This text will be bold.**
To create italics, use a single asterix (*) on either side of the text:
*This text will be italic.*
Both * or _ symbols work to make text bold or italic. This way you can combine bold and italic in the same sentence. For example:
**Everyone _must_ listen.**
You can create headings using the octothorpe (#).
# Largest heading
Use two octothropes to create a subheading.
## Subheading
Alternatively, for H1 and H2, an underline-ish style:
Alternative heading =================== Alternative subheading ----------------------
Create a text link by wrapping the linked text in brackets [ ], and then wrapping the link in parenthesis ( ). For example:
Use the syntax for a link, with an exclamation point (!) in front. For example:

If the file _image.jpg
is inside the same directory, then you can use a relative path like so:

Otherwise, use an absolute path with your site folder as root:

You can wrap the image in a link like so:
Make a bulleted list by preceding list items with a single hyphen (-) or an asterix (*). You need a space between the hyphen and the text.
- Round - Shell - Projectile
Create a numbered list by preceding list items with a number.
1. Eins 2. Deux 3. Tres
Create a list which starts with a custom number by putting a single parenthesis like so:
9) Ninth 10) Tenth 11) Eleventh
Create a list with non-nigit characters like so:
i. Unus ii. Duo iii. Tres
If it’s a capital letter, put two characters after the period:
A. Unus B. Duo C. Tres
Create a checklist like so:
- [x] First task - [ ] Second task - [ ] Third task
Use square brackets and a caret (^) to mark the position of a footnote in your text:
Use this syntax.[^1] Another line with a different footnote.[^2]
And then write the footnotes themselves at the bottom of your file like this:
[^1]: And the note goes here. [^2]: And the second goes here too.
You can also write footnotes inline with your text:
Use this syntax ^[Footnote text goes here] for inline footnotes.
Strike out text
Put a double tilde (~) on either side of the text you want to strikethrough:
~~Strike out mistakes~~
Indent code with four spaces:
var foo = “bar”;
You can also wrap code with three backticks (`) and specify the language to enable syntax highlighting:
```javascript var foo = "bar"; ```
You can customize your code’s syntax highlighting by modifying the highlight.js CSS file which comes with your site’s template.
Horizontal rules
Use three or more hyphens (-), asterisks (*) or underscores (_) to create a horizontal rule.
Markdown uses email-style > characters for block quoting. They are presented as:
> This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. > > This is the second pragraph. Vestibulum enim wisi.
You can the follow syntax to create tables:
| Syntax | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Header | Title | | Paragraph | Text |
You can mix HTML tags directly into Markdown files, should you need to do something beyond the limits of the Markdown.
You can use an external BibTex citations file to store your citations. Read the guide to using citations.
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