Moving and styling citations?
I am madly in love with the bibliography function. It actually was, what made me move to Blot – seriously, you made this scientist very, very happy, good bye self-hosted Jekyll.
I would love to, however, move the generated bibliography within the page. My citations can get somewhat ... excessive. So I'd like to move them, within the "Blog" template, after Date, Tags, and Backlinks, and style them the same way those are. For that, I'd need somehow access to the generated HTML. Is that possible?
Hello! This is not possible right now but it's a good idea and I will make it so. I'll follow up here's when it's ready, but please consider sending us a note if you'd like an email notification too
Answered 3 years ago · Edit answerHi - I'm not sure if this is relevant but you can place the bibliography within an entry page; add a 'div' with class 'refs' and it will be placed there.
Paste this...
::: {#refs}
where you want your bibliography to appear.
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer
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