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What new file types would like Blot to support?

At the moment, Blot can turn five types of files into posts. We plan to expand this list in future – what file types would be useful to you?

a year ago, 7 replies   feedback   posts   Edit question

I'd like to see org mode support added to Blot!

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Interactive SVG, the files I upload don't seem to work, would love this to be simple.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Another vote for org-mode!

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Blot now supports org mode! We also added support for RTF files and Google Docs as well.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

TextBundle would be nice

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

TextBundle makes sense – I will add support for it and follow up here

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Ooh, textbundles does make a lot of sense!

Answered a year ago · Edit answer