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Updated file pulled form dropbox, but the page hasnt been updated?

  1. updated the file
  2. it got synced
  3. my page hasn't been updated even though blot has pulled the updated version.

Tried to clear cache, doesn't seem to solve the issue. Updated file once again, it got synced, but the page, again, hasn't updated.

Any suggestions how I can update the page/prevent this from happening?

7 months ago, 3 replies   bug   Edit question

I now tried to 1 move page back to drafts -> page is removed 2 move back from drafts -> in admin panel page does show up, but still doesn't show up on the website

feels like a bug?

Answered 8 months ago · Edit answer

i tried breaking down my post into parts (assuming that maybe it is a size issue?) but I still can't publish the first part.

  1. create a new file -> shows up on the website
  2. paste content -> it doesn't get updated
  3. rename file -> console now says "File is not a post or page"

something is off with the file content?..

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

looks like I found a bug. having [[#xxxx]] in the text breaks the backend?

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer