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How to display the day of publication?

I have a template that presents entries by month and in that {{month}} {{year}} metadata works. But for each blog entry I want to include the day the blog was published. So if it was publised on the 20/4/2024 then just 20 would be returned. {{day}} would seem the logical construct but it does not work. I also can't find in the documentation where it says {{month}} & {{year}} are up to be used - if I could find that list, hopefully it might shed more light on all this. Thanks as ever.

5 months ago, 7 replies   developers   Edit question

You can use something like

{{#formatDate}} DD {{/formatDate}}

for day of the month. The documentation for date formats is in the Template developer guide at the bottom of the reference.

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

This is great to learn about. I'd never dived into the details of the {{all_entries}} vs. {{archives}}. I've used the info to update my archives page, only providing a break out of year. The code I'm using is below, but I'm struggling with one bit (which may not even be possible).

How would I provide the count of posts within the year? I've attempted various things, but my hunch is that the way the array is structured is making it troublesome.

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

To provide the number of posts within the year, you can simply do this:

       <h2>{{year}} - {{entries.length}} posts</h2>
Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

Thank you. I did try this before, but implemented exactly as you described and get the same behavior. No post count shows up.

<h2>Posts ({{all_entries.length}})</h2>
       <h2>{{year}} ({{entries.length}})</h2>
       <div class="row">
            <div class="column left">          		
                  <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}
              <div class="column right">
                  <span class="smalldate">{{date}}</span>

You can see the result live here.

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

Sorry, that was a case of me expecting a feature to exist which does not actually exist. I have just made this work:

       <h2>{{year}} - {{total}} post{{s}}</h2>

This is now documented in the developer reference

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

Thanks, David. Truly appreciate the efforts and the pluralization token is just... <chef's kiss>

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

Many and great thanks for the answer to the original question and important link to the Developers Guide - excellent!

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer